AFINO Annual meeting 2023 – Responsibility for Transformative Futures
We look forward to meeting the AFINO network at Hovde gård. For registered participants, here is the program: Sunday, June…
The first AFINO hackathon
Hackathon is a newcomer in AFINO context. Read how the first implementation went. The first AFINO Hackathon was held 18th…
Corporate Sustainability: What have we achieved? And where are we going?
Seminar at BI Norwegian Business School, September 15th 2022 The seminar brought together academia, politics, business, and media to take…
Forskning og innovasjon – alt for viktig til å overlates forskerne alene
Nå er det vanlige folks tur til å ha en stemme i forskning og innovasjon. Med et delvis lånt slagord…
Er det vanlige folks tur nå?
Burde folkelig involvering være mer implementert i forskningen i Norge, slik det er i Europa?I så fall; hvordan involverer vi…
Transdisciplinarity in Action in Greece
An old monastery at Lesvos was the perfect frame for academics digging in to the big questions of transdisciplinarity. –…
AFINO inviterer til debatt om forskningspolitikk på Arendalsuka
Under overskriften “Nå er det vanlige folks tur – også til å bli hørt om forskning og innovasjon?” inviterer AFINO,…
We are hiring!!
AFINO is looking for a new colleague to join our team. Are you, or do you know of someone, that…
A tale of two meetings
AFINO organized a meeting in May to celebrate its mid-life point. This meeting soon came to be affectionately called among…
The DLN and AFINO policy forum
1st and 2nd September 2022Kringler gjestegård, Maura This year, DLN and the Research Council of Norway are opening their policy…