The fragility of responsibility: AFINO’s swansong is an act of hope
Read a presentation of the forthcoming AFINO book “The Fragility of Responsibility” (out in December!)
For your reading list: Guide for sustainable businesses
Looking for practical insights into how businesses can address environmental and sustainability challenges? We recommend: Business Transitions: A to Sustainability…
How to make a mark
The AFINO International Conference is history. With a high level of enthusiasm and engagement during the three conference days in…

Towards a transformative future at Soria Moria
When AFINO invites to the AFINO International Conference in Oslo in late August, it is about the steps in research…
Writing workshop at Lesvos
For the 3rd summer in a row, AFINO invites to a seminar at Lesvos. This year organised as a writing…
The Corporate Social Responsibility squeeze
For decades, multinational companies have stepped up their efforts to embrace corporateresponsibility. Now this is being challenged through major powers…
Naivt å tro at næringslivet frivillig kan påta seg samfunnsansvar
For å nå fram i klimakampen, korrupsjonskampen og kampen for sosial rettferdighet må samfunnsansvaret løftes opp på bransjenivå, og et…
Podcast: “Finans kan ikke redde verden alene”
Bærekraft har vært en megatrend i næringslivet de siste tiårene. I podcasten fra Fremtidens Næringsliv sier Atle Midttun at en…
Corporate Sustainability: What have we achieved? And where are we going?
Seminar at BI Norwegian Business School, September 15th 2022 The seminar brought together academia, politics, business, and media to take…
Seminar: A quarter century of corporate sustainability
The seminar is a debate on core achievements in corporate sustainability, and on future options for business to drive green…