Databaser Forskning Lærerstudenter Lærerutdanningen Litteratursøk Pedagogikk Psykologi Samfunnsøkonomi Social anthropology social science Sosialantropologi Sosialt arbeid Sosiologi Statsvitenskap UBrss

Trenger du hjelp med et systematisk litteratursøk? Vi hjelper deg

Et systematisk litteratursøk er et omfattende søk der informasjonsinnhentingen er planmessig og begrunnet. Det kjennetegnes ved at man gjør omfattende søk i flere databaser med utstrakt bruk av søkeord. Søkeprosessen bygger på en streng inkludering/ekskludering av kriterier og bruk av et bredt utvalg av systematisk valgte termer/søkeord. Emneordene er valgt ut etter et tett og nært samarbeid mellom fagpersoner som kjenner sitt fagfelt godt og bibliotekpersonale med fagkompetanse.

Hensikten er å systematisk gå igjennom all litteratur en finner og dermed fange opp så mye som mulig av relevant litteratur på et felt. Søket skal i tillegg være dokumentert og etterprøvbart.

Hvor omfattende et litteratursøk skal være er avhengig av fagområde og hva det skal brukes til.

Universitetsbibliotekarene innen medisin har i flere år deltatt som medforfattere på artikler hvor de har stått for de systematiske søkene, men nå begynner også dette å skje innen de samfunnsvitenskapelige fagene.

Ønsker du hjelp til et systematisk søk ta kontakt med Magnus Rom Jensen eller Solvor Solhaug i Biblioteket Dragvoll

Social anthropology Sosialantropologi UBrss

Free Open Access Anthropology Journals

Here is a selection of Open Access journals in anthropology and related fields. All these journals provide free access to all articles. Journals with restricted access will not be listed. Are there journals I have forgotten? Let me know! Check also the new overview over anthropology repositories and archives and the antropologi.info anthropology blog. For information on publishing in Open Access journals, see Where to publish in OA Anthropology (Savage Minds 22.11.2014)

Free Open Access Anthropology Journals

Source: antropologi.info

Cultural anthropology Social anthropology Sosialantropologi UBrss

Alan Macfarlane: Interviews with Anthropologists


Interviews with Anthropologists is a collection of 91 interviews made by Alan Macfarlane between 1976 and 2010. Details of the full collection of anthropologist interviews can be browsed on DSpace@Cambridge by clicking here.

Interviews with Anthropologists is part of a wider collection of Film Interviews with Leading Thinkers, which can be found here.

Collection Details:

Collection: Interviews with Anthropologists
Collector: Alan Macfarlane
Date(s): 1976 – 2010
Language(s): English

Cultural anthropology Social anthropology Sosialantropologi UBedu UBrss

Anthropology – Week 3: A new anthropologist: Lars Krutak Tattoo Anthropologist

Lars Krutak received his Ph.D. at Arizona State University’s School of Human Evolution & Social Change in 2009. Since 2003, he has been studying the socioeconomic impacts of tourism and tourism promotion on indigenous Rarámuri (Tarahumara) arts and crafts vendors living in the Copper Canyon region of Mexico for his dissertation.

Krutak began tattoo research in 1996 as a graduate student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Trained as an archaeologist and cultural anthropologist, he spent three years exploring the complex symbolism and practice of tattooing throughout the Arctic.


Social anthropology Sosialantropologi Sosiologi UBedu UBrss

Anthropology -Week 2: A new anthropologist/sociologist

hekma-g_2Having my own anthropology background firmly planted in gender and sexuality studies I would this week like to present to you Gert Hekma. Gert Hekma teaches gay and lesbian studies in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the UvA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
His specialism is sociology and history of (homo) sexuality.





Cultural anthropology Social anthropology Sosialantropologi Visual anthropology

Anthropology- One «new» anthropologist every week

Karen Nakamura2

Starting from today I will pick one anthropologist every week that interests me. This weeks pick is Karen Nakamura, just employed at The Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.

This is what she says about her self:

«I am a cultural and visual anthropologist whose research focuses on disability, sexuality, and minority social movements in contemporary Japan. My first book, Deaf in Japan, was on sign language, identity, and deaf social movements. I recently finished my second book, which is on schizophrenia and mental illness in Japan and is titled, A Disability of the Soul. For the past year, I’ve been working on my third project which explores the intersections of disability, gender, and sexuality.»

Social anthropology Sosialantropologi

Anthropology-Kunnskap:kaffe, Syrian and Lebanese food in Argentina today


From 11:30-12:00 NTNU, Biblioteket Dragvoll

Tanja Plasil, Research Assistant and Lorenzo Cañás Bottos, Associate Professor at Dept. of Social Sciences and Technology Management, NTNU will give a little talk  based on their 2014 ethnographic fieldwork in Argentina among descendants of Syrian and Lebanese immigrants in Argentina, they will examine some of the transformations in gastronomic practices.

Bring your lunch to the Dragvoll library – we will serve coffee and tea.



Social anthropology Sosialantropologi

World anthropology day


February 18, 2016 it’s World anthropology day. A day for anthropologists to celebrate and participate….

Social anthropology Sosialantropologi

Anthropology- The J.I.Staley Prize


Just missed the deadline? Well now it’s time to think about who to nominate for next years J. I. Staley Prize!

E-bøker Geografi Geography Social anthropology Sosialantropologi

Anthropology and Geography – E-books

Here comes a link to the different e-book providers categorization into research areas/subjects:
(You could of course do a search in Oria.no for e-books only and add your own keywords or topic/topics of interest and search across the different e-book providers)



Project Muse
Taylor & Francis



Environmental sciences
Geography in general
Physical geography

Taylor & Francis (Human geography)