E-journals E-tidsskrift Forskning Lærerstudenter Lærerutdanningen Litteratursøk Pedagogikk UBedu

Nytt volum i OA tidsskriftet Barn

NTNU sitt Open Access tidsskrift: Barn – Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden, har kommet med et nytt  volum.

The quarterly journal «Barn» is a well-established Nordic peer reviewed journal which came out for the first time in 1983. «Barn» has an interdisciplinary profile, and presents articles within various academic disciplines such as: sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, pedagogy, geography, architecture, philosophy etc. Articles in «Barn» are published primarily in one of the three Scandinavian languages.

Du finner dette tidsskriftet på NTNU sin OJS plattform


Lærerstudenter Lærerutdanningen Nye bøker Pedagogikk UBedu UBrss

Teacher training and professional development: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications

Lysholm library have purchased  a 4 volum set from the series Critical explorations : «Teacher training and professional development : concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications» .   

Topics covered in this

  • faculty enrichment
  • educational technology integration
  • leadership training
  • pre-service teacher preparation
  • professional learning networks
  • teacher roles
  • teaching quality
  • teaching strategies

Find the books in the Lysholm  Library at

370.71 Tea/1, 370.71 Tea/2,  370.71 Tea/3,  370.71 Tea/4


E-books E-bøker Nye bøker Statsvitenskap UBedu UBrss

The EU–Japan Partnership in the Shadow of China : The Crisis of Liberalism

Boken er interessant både for Europastudier og Japanstudier, men også for forskere og studenter som er interessert i internasjonal politikk mer generelt. Her får leseren en oversikt over samarbeidet mellom Japan og EU, samt hvordan stormaktene rundt ser på denne utviklingen. Professor Paul Midford (Institutt for Sosiologi og Statsvitenskap) er en av redaktørene av boken.


This book should be of interest to scholars and students of European politics, as well as Japanese studies. Students and researchers in international politics more generally will also find this interesting. The reader will get an overview of the cooperation between Japan and the EU, and also how the great powers view these developments. Professor Paul Midford (Department of Sociology and Political Science) is one of the editors.

Databaser Samfunnsøkonomi samfunnsvitenskapelig social science Sosiologi Statsvitenskap Studenter Tverrfaglige kulturstudier UBedu UBrss

Prøvetilgang på Gallup Analytics / Trial for Gallup Analytics

NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket har prøvetilgang til Gallup Analytics. Dette er en omfattende database med statistikk fra hele verden, med et særlig fokus på USA. Her finner man både historiske data og nyere data, innenfor en rekke samfunnsområder som tiltro til landets økonomi, pressefrihet, korrupsjon og religion med mer. Prøveperioden går frem til 30. juni 2018.

Ta kontakt med Magnus Rom Jensen (magnus.r.jensen@ntnu.no) hvis du har spørsmål eller kommentarer til denne ressursen.

NTNU University Library currently has a trial for Gallup Analytics. This is an extensive database with statistics from around the world, with a special emphasis on the US. Here you will find both historical and recent data, in a wide field of subjects such as economic confidence, freedom of press, corruption and religion. Our trial will end on the 30th of June 2018.

Please contact Magnus Rom Jensen (magnus.r.jensen@ntnu.no) with any questions or comments.

Databaser Forskning Litteratursøk Oppgaveskriving samfunnsvitenskapelig UBedu UBrss

Magnus og Solvor medforfattere på artikkel i PLOS One


[English text below]

Vårt samarbeid med forskere ved CHAIN– Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research har gitt resultater i form av en artikkel som har fått tittelen:

«Technological innovations and social inequalities in health: a scoping review of the literaure.»


Denne artikkelen er blitt utgitt i et internasjonalt tidsskrift som heter Plos One. Plus One er et nivå 1 tidsskift, som er både fagfellevurdert og Open Access.

Etterspørsel etter Systematiske søkeoppdrag på forespørsel fra de vitenskapelige miljøene ved HumSam har økt den siste tiden. Innen de medisinske miljøene har det lenge vært en tradisjon for å delta på slike søkeoppdrag, men nå ser vi at det kommer mer av dette også innen de samfunnsvitenskapelige fagene.

Å delta på slike søkeoppdrag er en ganske omfattende prosess, med en god del feiling og prøving før man kommer frem til det endelige søkeoppsettet. Dette innebærer alt fra valg av emneord, kombinasjon av emneord, trunkeringer og forkortelser. Nærhetsoperatorer (som varierer fra database til database) kan være veldig avgjørende i slike store søk, valg av databaser som gjør at man er ganske sikker på at hele området er dekket (helt sikker blir man vel aldri!).

Etter at selve søkeprosessen var gjennomført ble det foretatt en dublettsjekk i EndNote. Deretter gikk vi igjennom de resterende referansene sammen med de andre forfatterne.

En stor og artig jobb med et samarbeid som har fungert godt, og som har ført til flere lignende oppdrag som vi holder på med nå!


New article published in PLOS One

Our collaboration with researchers at CHAIN Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research has resulted in an article “Innovative technologies and social inequalities in health: A scoping review of the literature”

The article was published in PLOS One, a peer reviewed Open Access journal.


Systematic searching and related services are increasingly in demand from our patrons at the Section for Humanities and Social Sciences. This is a long-established service at the Medicine and Health Library, and now the social sciences are also asking for this service.


Participating in these systematic searches is an intensive process, with lots of trial and error before finally deciding on how to build the search.  This involves everything from choosing the correct terms, how to combines these, wildcards and so on. Proximity operators (which vary between databases) can play a crucial role in these large-scale searches, as will the choice of databases to search to make sure the whole domain is covered.

After the search was finished, we used Endnote to remove duplicate reference. After that we collaborated with the other authors for a final sorting of which references should be includes in the article.


Overall a fun experience, and a very successful collaboration! It has also served as a stepping stone for similar collaborations with other researchers.

Nye bøker samfunnsvitenskapelig social science Sosiologi Statsvitenskap UBedu UBrss

Strangers in their own land: Anger and mourning on the american right

Boken gir et innblikk i det politiske landskapet i USA og prøver å forklare hvorfor den politiske debatten blir mer og mer polarisert. Boken bør være spesielt interessant for studenter og forskere innen sosiologi og statsvitenskap. Særlig interessant er kanskje kapittlene “Appendix A” og Appendix B, hvor forfatteren forklarer leseren hvordan selve forskningen er gjennomført.

Boken kan lånes på biblioteket

The book offers an insight into the political landscape in the US and tries to explain why the political debate is becoming increasingly polarised. The book should be of special interest for students and researchers in sociology and political science. Of particular interest for the aspiring sociologist or political scientist, is Appendix A and Appendix B, where the author explains how the research was conducted.

The book can be borrowed from the library

Databaser Samfunnsøkonomi samfunnsvitenskapelig social science Sosiologi Statsvitenskap UBedu UBrss

Prøvetilgang Factiva / Trial for Factiva

NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket har nå prøvetilgang på Factiva.
Dette er en bred database med fokus på nyheter, økonomi, politikk og teknologi. Factiva gir tilgang til mer enn 28 000 ulike kilder fra over 150 land. Databasen er særlig aktuell for samfunnsfagene og økonomifagene.

Brukere ved NTNU har prøvetilgang til denne ressursen i januar 2018.

Test gjerne ut Factiva og send tilbakemeldinger til Magnus Rom Jensen.

Husk at du må bruke VPN eller være på NTNU nettverket for å få tilgang.


NTNU University library has a trial for Factiva.

This is a database focusing on news, economics, politics and technology. Factiva includes more than 28 000 sources from over 150 countries. This database should be of interest to social scientist and economics.

Users at NTNU will have access to this database in Januar 2018.

Feel free to test Factiva and send any feedback to Magnus Rom Jensen.

You will need to use VPN or be on campus to get access.

antropologi Social anthropology UBedu UBrss

Eating your auntie is wrong : the world’s strangest customs

Once in a while you get some book titles that really trigger your curiosity?

A few «obvious» assumptions aobut the content of the book springs to mind quite quick:

Bad family relations?


Bad habits?

Traversing continents and centuries, Stephen Arnott has collected all manner of bizarrely fascinating customs—from sexual practices to the received wisdom on cannibalism.
The ancient Greeks, for example, thought a woman would not conceive if she wore a cat’s testicle tied in a tube across her navel. In China, the pillows under a dying person’s head were often removed; it was thought that a person who died looking at their feet would bring misfortune to their children. In many parts of the world, it is thought that if three people are photographed together, one will soon die—usually the one in the middle. And stranger still, the central European cure for baldness required the sufferer to eat a fresh bowl of chicken soup laced with pubic hair. From the first page to the last, Eating Your Auntie Is Wrong will have you reading in amazement.

Happy reading!





antropologi food Social anthropology UBedu UBrss

Food anthropology and books about food and drinks in general.

Our Dragvoll book collection on food customs, food anthropology, food recipes and food and drinks in general is growing.

Food studies and research on different aspect of food is growing so I have tried my best to build a collection that hopefully will grow in «popularity».

You will find most of the physical books at 394.12 on the shelf, but we also have a growing electronical collection of books about food as a topic.

A quick search with the keyword food and anthropology with a limit to material type: e-books in ORIA gave me the following titles. (Not only limited to Dragvoll but to the whole of NTNU as the case is for all
our e-resources).


E-journals E-tidsskrift Lærerutdanningen Pedagogikk UBedu UBrss

PLU: Artikkel fra NTNU Stipendiat

Fredrik Mørk Røkenes, stipendiat ved Program for lærereutdanning,  kom i 2014 med en artikkel publisert i tidsskriftet Nordic Journal of Digital profileimageLiteracy,vol. 9,Nr. 4-2014. «Development of StudentTeachers’ Digital Competencein Teacher Education.

This article is a literature review of online peer-reviewed empirical studies from 2000 to 2013 regarding the development of digital competence of student teachers in teacher education qualified to teach in the secondary school grade level. The purpose of the review is to showcase and establish knowledge about empirical research on ICT-training in teacher education, and contribute with an overview of approaches for researchers, teacher educators, and policymakers on how teacher education develop student teachers’ digital competence for the secondary school grade level. A total of 42 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Based on a thematic analysis of the studies, including coding and categorization strategies, eight approaches were identified: collaboration, metacognition, blending, modeling, authentic learning, student-active learning, assessment, and bridging theory/practice gap. The approaches consider ways that teacher education programs promote student teachers’ digital competence, and educate them in professionally using ICT for their future use in school and classroom teaching in secondary education.

You can find the article here

Følg Fredrik Mørk Røkenes på: Twitter @fredrikmr   . Her skriver han  om blant annet teknologi, språklæring, lærerutdanning.