Henrik Vogt har fått på trykk en kommentar-artikkel i Nature Biotechnology, med tittelen: Precision medicine in the cloudes som handler om en kritikk av P100-studien, den første P4-studien (Hood et al).
To the Editor: A billion-dollar question is whether precision medicine (also known as personalized, ‘P4’ or systems medicine) can substantially increase the utility of individualized disease, prevention and population health. In this respect, the first results from the Pioneer 100 Wellness Project (P100), featured in last August’s issue, is a landmark. The study sheds light on an approach that has primarily existed as a vision and precedes the US National Institutes of Health’s (NIH; Bethesda, MD) All of Us study, which will include a million participants in a similar scheme (http://www.allofus.nih.gov/).