Deadlines: September 20, 201X: decide your 201X+1 spring classes! 
Links: UCSD (and extension) courses, IDI coursesucsd_sampleapplication.pdf

Feel free to add new classes as tables in a comment on the bottom of this page.
IAS = Ingeniøremne Annet Studieprogram, KPro = Customer-driven Project (TDT4290). (K) = K-emner-2015-16.

BUSA 40714 - Project Management Bootcamp (3)5TDT4290 Customer-driven Project 2015.08.27 RS

COGS 109 - Modeling and Data Analysis (4)


TDT4137 Kog. Ark.


2014.11.01 RS

COGS 118A - Natural Computation I (4)5.33TDT4173 Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering 2015.01.20 RS
COGS 118B - Natural Computation II (4)5.33TDT4173 Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering 2015.01.20 RS

COGS 119 - Programming for Experimental Research(4)


TDT4137 Kog. Ark.


2014.11.01 RS

COGS 121 - HCI Programming Studio (4)5,33TDT4290 - Customer-driven Project / EiTStudents work together in teams2015.07.26 RS

COGS 185 - Advanced Machine Learning Methods (4)


IT3105 Kunstig intelligens programmeringTDT4290 KPro

pettefas: project course

2016.04.07 TAA

COGS 189 - Brain Computer Interfaces (4)


IT3708 - Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence. Teamwork2016.08.05 RS
COGS 189 - Brain Computer Interfaces (4)5,33TDT4290 - KPro 

2016.08.05 RS

COGS 189 - Brain Computer Interfaces (4)5,33EiT 

2016.08.05 RS

COGS 202 - Foundation - Comp. Model of Cogn (4)


TDT4137 Kog. Ark.


2016.09.22 RS

COGS 203 - Thinking and doing (4)


TDT4137 Kog. Ark.


2015.08.27 RS

COGS 219 - Programming for Experimental Research (4)


TDT4137 Kog. Ark.


2014.11.01 RS

COGS 220 - Information Visualization (4)6,67TMA4235 Visualisering av vitenskapelige data- IaS 2016.01.22 TAA
COGS 229 - Design at Large (1)1,67KPro 2016.01.22 TAA
COGS 230 - Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction (4)6,67

IT3402 Design GUI

CSE 216 (equal). research project2015.01.20 RS
COGS 230 - Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction (4)6,67TDT4290 - KPro 

2015.01.20 RS

COGS 230 - Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction (4)6,67EiT 

2015.01.20 RS

CSE 8A - Python
SE 8B - Java

TDT4110 - Introduction to Python (5sp)
TDT4100 - OOP Java (6 av 7,5 sp)
Two courses match the single CSE11 curriculum

2021.04.18 RS

CSE 11 - Java -

5,33TDT4100 - OOP Java (6 av 7,5 sp)Accelerated version of CSE8A+8B

2021.04.18 RS

CSE 30 - Computer Organization and Systems Programming (4)5,33 TDT4160 - Comp and Digital Design 2017.02.14 RS
CSE 101 - Algorithms(4)5,33TDT4120 Algorithms and Data structures 2015.04.08 RS
CSE 107  - Introduction to Modern Cryptography (4)5,33TTM4135 Informasjonssikkerhet 2015.01.20 RS
CSE 110 - Software Engineering5,33TDT4140 Software Engineering (2014) 2016.08.05 RS
CSE 111 - Object Oriented Software Design5,33TDT4100 - JavaNo longer offered2014.06.14 RS
CSE 112 - Advanced Software Engineering (,33

TDT4242 AdvSE (SE elective)

Requirements and Testing. project

2015.07.26 RS

CSE 112 - Advanced Software Engineering (


TDT4250 Advanced Software Designclass project, "real world" conditions2015.01.20 RS
CSE 112 - Advanced Software Engineering (,33TDT4290 KPro 

2015.01.20 RS

CSE 120 - Principles of Computer Operating Systems


TDT4186 OpSys 2014.11.01 RS
CSE 123 Computer Networks5,33TTM4100 Kommunikasjon - tjenester og nettSondre Rodahl2016.04.01 KSK
CSE 125 - Software System Design & Implementation5,33EIT 2015.01.20 RS
CSE 125 - Software System Design & Implementation5,33TDT4290 Customer-driven Project 

2015.01.20 RS

CSE 127 - Introduction to Computer Security5,33

TTM4135 Infosec (IaS)

 2015.08.25 RS
CSE 130 - Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms5,33TDT4165 ProgspråkCSE173 (equal?)2014.11.01 RS
CSE 131 - Compiler Construction5,33TDT4205 Komp. Tek 2014.11.01 RS
CSE 132A - Database System Principles5,33TDT4145 - DMod, DB, DBMS 2016.08.05 RS
CSE 132B - Database Systems Applications5,33TDT4145 - DMod, DB, DBMS 2015.04.21 RS 
CSE 132B - Database Systems Applications5,33TDT4290 - KPro 

2015.04.21 RS

CSE 134B - Web Client Languages (Java)5,33EITassigned problems & final2015.01.20 RS
CSE 134B - Web Client Languages (Java)5,33TDT4290 Customer-driven Projectassigned problems & final

2015.01.20 RS

CSE 135 - Online Database Analytics Applications5,33EIT 2015.01.20 RS
CSE 135 - Online Database Analytics Applications5,33TDT4290 Customer-driven Project 2015.01.20 RS
CSE 150 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Search and Reasoning5,33TDT4136 - Intro to AI 2016.03.04 KSK
CSE 151 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Statistical Approaches5,33

TDT4171 - AI Methods

 2015.03.09 RS
CSE 160 - Introduction to Parallel Computing5,33TDT4200 - Parallel Computing 2017.01.17 RS

CSE 168 - Computer Graphics II: Rendering


TDT4230 - Graphics and Visualization

 2015.09.17 RS
CSE 190A - Neural Networks5.33IT3708 - Sub-symbolske AI-metoder 2015.04.21 RS
CSE 190 - HCI for Health (HCI4H)5,33EIT  2016.09.22 RS
CSE 190 - HCI for Health (HCI4H)5,33TDT4290 Customer-driven Project 

2016.09.22 RS

CSE 190C - Entrepreneur Robotics? Embedded Systems?5,33EIT / TDT4290 Customer-driven Project 2015.04.21 RS
CSE 190D Successful Entrepreneurship5,33

TIØ4230 - Entrep and MarketOr ProdDevTDT4290KPro/EIT

IaS (2011)

2015.09.03 RS

CSE 190E00 - Mobile Programming5,33EIT / TDT4290 Customer-driven Project 2015.04.21 RS

CSE 190F00 - Mobile Development/Entrepreneurship (4)

5,33EIT / TDT4290 Customer-driven Project 2015.04.21 RS
CSE 202 - Algorithm Design and Analysis (4)6,67TDT4125 Alg. Kons. 2014.11.01 RS
CSE 207 - Modern Cryptography6,67TMA4160 - Cryptography 2015.01.20 RS

CSE 210 - Principles of Software Engineering (2015)


TDT4140 Software Engineering (2014)


2015.07.26 RS

CSE 210 - Principles of Software Engineering (2015)6,67TDT4250 Model-Driven Development of Information Systems 2015.04.21 RS
CSE 210 - Principles of Software Engineering (2015)6,67TDT4252 Enterprise Modeling and Enterprise Architecture 2015.04.21 RS

CSE 210 - Principles of Software Engineering (2015)


EiT / (TDT4290 Customer-driven Project) (2015)

50% project work.

2015.07.30 RS

CSE 210 - Principles of Software Engineering (2015)


TDT4165 ProgLang

50% project work.

2015.07.26 RS

CSE 211 - Software Construction6,67TDT4242 Requirements and Testing (SE valgfag) 2015.01.20 RS
CSE 216 - Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction6.67

IT3402 Design GUITDT4290 - KPro / EiT

COGS 230 (equal). research project2015.01.20 RS
CSE 218 - Advanced Topics in Software Engineering (4)6.67TDT4240 Software Architecture 2015.09.17 RS
CSE 219 - Design at Large (1)1,67KPro 2016.01.22 TAA
CSE 223A - Principles of Distributed Computing (4)6,67TDT4225 Store, Distr. Data 2015.01.20 RS
CSE 223B - Distributed Computing and Systems6,67TTM4115 Engineering Distributed Real-time Systems (IaS) 2015.01.20 RS
CSE 227 - Computer Security6.67TDT4237 Prog.sik. 2015.01.20 RS

CSE 232 - Principles of Database Systems


TDT4150 Avanserte databasesystemer


2015.01.20 RS

CSE 232B - Database Implementation


TDT4117 Informasjonsgjenfinning

 2015.07.30 RS 
CSE 240A - Principles of Computer Architecture6,67TDT4260 Computer Architecture 2015.07.30 RS
CSE 243A - Intro Synthesis Methodologies in VLSI CAD6,67

TFE4152 Design of Integrated Circuits


2015.07.30 RS

CSE 243A - Intro Synthesis Methodologies in VLSI CAD6,67

TDT4255 Computer Design (DM-Kons)


2015.07.30 RS

CSE 250A - Principles of Artificial Intelligence6.67

TDT4171 Metoder i AI

 2015.01.20 RS
CSE 250A - Principles of Artificial Intelligence6.67

TDT4173 Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering 

 2015.07.30 RS 
CSE 250B - Principles of Artificial Intelligence6.67IT3708 Sub-symbolske AI-metoder 2015.01.20 RS

CSE 250C - Machine Learning Theory (4)


TDT4173 Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering

Mangler CBR

2014.09.15 RS

CSE 250C - Machine Learning Theory (4)


IT3105 - AI Programming

Mangler CBR

2014.11.01 RS

CSE 252A - Computer Vision I (4)


TDT4195 Visual Computing Fundamentals (3,75)

Image part, not Graphics part

2015.07.30 RS
CSE 252A - Computer Vision I (4)6,67TDT4265 Computer Vision (Datasyn) (3) 

2017.01.17 RS

CSE 252B - Computer Vision II (4)


TDT4265 Computer Vision (Datasyn)

Image part, not Graphics part

2015.07.30 RS
CSE 253 - Neural Net / Pattern Rec6.67IT3708 Sub-symbolske AI-metoder 2015.09.15 RS
CSE 255 - Data Mining & Analytics 6,67TDT4300 Datavarehus og datagruvedriftIkke i 2016 (ref. BW)2015.01.20 RS
CSE 255 - Data Mining & Analytics (2016)  6,67TDT4305 Big Data-arkitektur 2016.08.04 RS
CSE 258 - Cognitive Modelling6,67TDT4137 Kog. Ark.100% Prosjekt-gruppe fag2015.08.27 RS
CSE 259 - Seminar in AI (1)1,67IT3010 Research Methods in CS 2015.09.15 RS
CSE 262 - SysSupport for Applications of Parallel Computation6.67

TDT4200 Parallel Computing

Final Project (TDT4290)2015.07.30 RS
CSE 274 - Selected Topics in Graphics (2-4)6.67

IT3010 Methods for Research in IT

Final Project (TDT4290)2015.09.17 RS
CSE 280A - Algorithms in Computational Biology6,67TDT4287 Algoritmer for bioinformatikkNeshat Naderi2016.03.30 TAA
CSE 282 - Bioinformatic algorithms6,67TDT4287 AlgForBioInfo / BI2096 EiT33% Project2015.08.27 RS
CSE 291 - Human-Computer Interaction for Health6,67TDT4210 HelseinformatikkEiT multidisiplin2015.01.20 RS
CSE 293 - Special Project in CSE (1-12)3,33TDT4290 Experts in Team og Customer Driven Project (1/3)Gruppearbeid!2016.02.29 KSK
CSE 294 - Research Meetings (2)3,33IT3010 Research Methods in CS 2015.09.15 RS
CSE 40475 - C/C++ Programming I4TDT4102 - Programming C++UNNTAK for 2016
2016.03.30 TAA
CSE 40476 - C/C++ Programming (I &) II4TDT4102 - Programming C++To av CSE 40475, -76, -77, og -78 kan SAMMEN godkjennes som TDT41022020.04.20 RS
CSE 40768 - DM13,33TDT4300 DataWarehouse og DMUNNTAK for 20142014.11.01 RS
CSE 40769 - DM24TDT4300 DataWarehouse og DMUNNTAK for 20152015.01.20 RS
4TDT4300 DataWarehouse og DMUNNTAK for 20162016.09.18 RS

CSE 41109 - Introduction to iOS 9 and Objective-C (3)


TDT4290 - Customer-driven Project (15)

UNNTAK for 2015

2015.10.08 RS

CSE 41148 - iOS 9 Programming II (3)4TDT4290 - Customer-driven Project (15) 2015.10.08 RS
CSE 41147 - iOS 9 Programming I (3)4TDT4290 - Customer-driven Project (15) 2015.10.08 RS
CSE 41149 - Mobile Device Programming Concepts4TDT4290 - Customer-driven Project (15)UNNTAK for 20152016.01.22 TAA

CSE 41109 - Introduction to iOS 9 and Objective-C


TDT4290 - Customer-driven Project (15)


2016.01.22 TAA
CSE 41147 - iOS 9 Programming I4TDT4290 - Customer-driven Project (15) 2016.01.22 TAA
CSE 41148 - iOS 9 Programming II4TDT4290 - Customer-driven Project (15) 2016.01.22 TAA
CSE 41258 - Fundamentals of Data Mining4TDT4300 DataWarehouse og DM2017, with CSE 41261 Data Prep for Analytics2017.01.17 RS
CSE 412.25 - Python for Informatics4KProUNNTAK for 20162016.08.30 RS
CSE 412.07 - HTML5 and CSS4KProUNNTAK for 20162016.08.30 RS
CSEX 410.97 - Programming in R4Fyll 2016.08.30 RS
ECE 175A - Elements of MachInt: Pattern Rec and ML5,33TDT4171 - Metoder i AI. evt. TDT4173 ML&CBRPrereq: ECE 109 and ECE 174.2016.08.30 RS
ECE 175B - Prob Reasoning & Graph Model5,33AI MathNB: Bachelor Level!2016.09.22 RS
ECON 100A - Micro-economy5,33TIØ4146 - Finance for Science and Technology StudentsK-emne (evt. EIT). Nødløsning2015.09.01 RS

ECON 109 - Game Theory


TDT4280 - Multiagent-systemer og spillteori, evt. EIT.

TIØ4120 - OperResearch, Intro (K-Emne)2015.01.20 RS
ECON 110B - Macro-economy5,33TIØ4146 - Finance for Science and Technology StudentsK-emne (evt. EIT)2015.09.01 RS
ECON 172A - Introduction to Operations Research5.33TIØ4120 - Operasjonsanalyse, grunnkurs 2015.01.20 RS
ENG 210 - System Engineering6,67TTM4115 - Design of Reactive Systems 1IaS2015.08.27 RS
HISC 102 - Technology in World History5.33TTM4165 - Digital Economics 2015.01.20 RS
IRGN 419 - Risk Management6,67

TTM4165 - Digital Economics

Trenger emnebeskrivelse!2016.11.29 RS
IRGN 419 - Risk Management6,67TIØ4146 Finans for Tech 

2015.08.20 RS

IRGN 422 - Investments6,67

TIØ4146 Finans for teknisk-naturvitenskaplige studenter (K)

K-emner-2015-16, evt IAS2015.08.18 RS
IRGN 452 - Big Data Analytics5,33IT3010 Research Methods in CS 2017.01.17 RS
IRGN 490E - Market Microstructure6,67EiT. Ikke K-emner-2015-16 (Astrup) 2015.07.26 RS 
IRGN 490F - Comparative Market Institutions SPTOP6,67EiT. Ikke K-emner-2015-16 2016.08.30 RS 
IRGN 490I - Game Theory & Strategy6.67TDT4280 Multiagent-systemer og spillteori, evt. EIT.TIØ4120 - Operations Research, Introduction (K)2015.08.25 RS
LIGM1a - German Conversation3,33Komplementert emne 2016.02.29 KSK
MGT164 - Organizational Leadership5,33TIØ5200 - ProsjektorganisasjonerK-Emne2015.08.27 RS
MGT 172 - Business Project Management5,33TIØ4258 - TekLedelseMGT-172 is weak on accounting2015.03.09 RS
PHYS 2B. Physics—Electricity and Magnetism (4)6,67TFY4125 - Fysikk 2018.01.31 LJ
AESE 278B. Enterprise Architecting4 Units = 6,7 ECTSTDT4252 - Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Innovation

 content ok

AESE 278D. Engineering Essentials for Open, Distributed Systems4= 6,7 ECTSTDT4257 - Digital Service Innovation

  content ok


AESE 279A. Architecture-based Enterprise Systems Engineering Quarterly Team Project

AESE 279B. Architecture-based Enterprise Systems Engineering Quarterly Team Project

CSE 112. Advanced Software Engineering

1 = 1,67
2 = 3,33



TDT4290 - Customer Driven Project


 here I am unsure. I have to understand better the points, note that KPRO = 15 ECTS and EIT = 7,5 
CSE 125. Software System Design and Implementation4 = 6,67TDT4250 - Advanced Software Design content ok 

CSE 218. Advanced Topics in Software Engineering

4 =6,67

TDT4242 - Advanced Software Engineering content ok - may be we can use one of the two to map to KPRO istead 
CSE 280A. Algorithms in Computational Biology4=6,67TDT4287 Algoritmer for bioinformatikk content ok 
CSE 227. Computer Security4=6,67TTM4135 - Information Security

  content ok

MGT 128. Innovation in Service Enterprises4=6,67TIØ4230 - Entrepreneurship and Market Oriented Product Development  content ok  
MGT127. Innovation and Technology Strategy4=6,67K - emne content ok  
CSE 223B - Distributed Computing and Systems6,67 (4 units)TDT4225 - Store, distribuerte datamengder
 LJ 26.02.2019
CSE 254 - Statistical Learning6,67 (4 units)TDT4173 - Maskinlæring og case-basert resonnering
 LJ 26.02.2019
CSE 156 - Statistical Natural Language Processing5,33 (4 units)TDT4310 - Intelligent tekstanalyse og språkforståelse
 LJ 26.02.2019
CSE 250B - Principles of Artificial Intelligence: Learning Algorithms6,67 (4 units)TTK4852 - Eksperter i team - Maskinlæring60% projec LJ 26.02.2019

CSE-40770: Data Mining for Scientific Applications +

COGS 118A: Intro to Machine Learning I (old name: Natural Computation I)

4 +


TDT4171 - Metoder i Kunstig IntelligensDe to fagene kombinert for TDT4171 LJ 26.02.2019
COGS 185 - Advanced Machine Learning Methods5,33TDT4173 - Machine Learning and Case-Based Reasoning  LJ 26.02.2019
CSE 252c - Selected Topics in Vision and Learning6,67Kpro / EIT90% of grade is project/group based LJ 26.02.2019
CSE136 - Enterprise-class Web Applications5,33TTM4115 - Design of Communicating SystemsIAS LJ 26.02.2019
CSE 260 - Parallel Computation6,67Kpro / EIT85% of grade is project based LJ 26.02.2019
CSE253 - Neural Networks & Pattern Recognition6,67Kpro / EIT70% of grade is project based LJ 26.02.2019
COGS181 - Neural Networks & Deep Learning5,53IT3708 - Bio-inspirert kunstig intelligens  LJ 26.02.2019
CSE 258 - Recommender Systems & Web Mining6,67IT3105 - Artificial Intelligence Programming LJ 26.02.2019
CSE253 - Neural Networks & Pattern Recognition6,67TDT4173 - Machine Learning and Case-Based Reasoning  LJ 26.02.2019
CSE136 - Enterprise-class Web Applications5,33TTM4115 - Design of Communicating SystemsIAS LJ 26.02.2019
CSE 260 - Parallel Computation6,67EiT+ teamarbeid i CSE 253, CSE 136 og COGS 202 (tverrfaglig)LJ 26.02.2019

Fagkode - Navn (link)StudiepoengFagkode - Navn  

  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (kristaha)

    CSE 208 Advanced Cryptography6,67 (4 units)K-emne
    CSE227 Computer Security6,67 (4 units)KPro70% prosjekt
      1. Unknown User (kristaha)

        TMM4225 as the course ended with a project with regards of use of Zero-Knowledge systems. 

  2. Unknown User (andrefei)

    BIOL400.01 Intro to Molecular Biology4,99 (3 units)MOL4010 - Grunnleggende molekylærbiologi Ingeniøremne annet studieprogram. Dekker pensum i MOL 4010 - Grunnleggende Molekylærbiologi
    MGT164 - Organizational Leadership5,33 (4 units)TIØ5200 - ProsjektorganisasjonerK-Emne gruppearbeid, har blitt godkjent som TIØ5200 tidligere2015.08.27 RS
    CSE218 Adv Topic/Software Engineering6,67 (4 units)TDT4242 - Advanced Software EngineeringInnhold ble forhåndsgodkjent som TDT4242, hele karakteren satt på grunnlag av gruppeprosjekt.
    MGT127 Innovation and Technology Strategy5,33 (4 units)TDT4257 - Digital tjenesteinnovasjonInneholdt gruppearbeid, dekker TDT4257

    CSE 291 (E00) Successful Engineering Entrepreneurship

    6,67 (4 units)

    TDT4230 - Entreprenørskap og markedsorientert produktutvikling

    K-emne, har samme innhold som TDT4230, inneholdt også gruppearbeid

    CSE290 (G00) Tech-Entrpreneurshp & Startups

    MGT172 Business Project Management

    3,33 (2 units)

    5,33 (4 units)

    EitGruppearbeid, ønsker som Eit

    COGS229 Design at Large (Fall 2018)

    COGS229 Design at Large (Winter 2019)

    DSGN119 Design at Large (Spring 2019)

    CSE411.62 ASP.NET MVC Fundamentals

    1,67 (1 unit)

    3,33 (2 units)

    2,66 (2 units)

    4.99 (3 units)


    Design at Large består av ulike seminar og kan tas flere ganger da innholdet er forskjellig. Tidligere godkjent som Kundestyrt Prosjekt.

    CSE290 Sem/Computer Sci & Engineering1,67 (1 unit)
    Fag tatt for å gjøre opp for manglende studiepoeng
    CSE259 Sem/Artificial Intelligence1,67 (1 unit)
    Fag tatt for å gjøre opp for manglende studiepoeng
    MATH278C Seminar Optimization1,67 (1 unit)
    Fag tatt for å gjøre opp for manglende studiepoeng