digital kompetanse Lærerstudenter Lærerutdanningen Pedagogikk Studenter UBrss

PLU: Ny artikkel fra Fredrik Mørk Røkenes

Fredrik Mørk Røkenes, stipendiat ved Program for lærereutdanning, har sammen med Professor Rune Johan Krumsvik Fra Universitetet i Bergen, kommet med en ny artikkel i Computers  Education Volum 97, Juni 2016, Pages 1-20. Prepared to teach ESL with ICT? A study of digital competence in Norwegian teacher education.

The purpose of this study is to examine how secondary student teachers are educated to teach with ICT through an English as a Second Language (ESL) didactics course offered at a teacher education program in Norway. Using a case study methodology, four cohorts of postgraduate student teachers were examined over 4 academic semesters. The students were qualifying to teach ESL in secondary school. Data were collected through surveys, participant observations, and semi-structured interviews. A theoretical model for digital competence development was used as an analytical lens in the data analysis. Findings indicate that the mastery and appropriation of teaching ESL with ICT varies amongst student teachers. Through their studies, the overall digital competence development is both enabled and inhibited by a number of factors such as modeling, scaffolding learning experiences, linking theory and practice, reflection, access to resources and support, innovative assessment practices, and collaborative learning. The implications that these findings have for teacher education are discussed.

Artikkelen finner du her!

Følg Fredrik Mørk Røkenes på: Twitter @fredrikmr   . Her skriver han  om blant annet teknologi, språklæring, lærerutdanning.

Funksjonshemming og samfunn Helsevitenskap Sosialt arbeid UBrss

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning – nytt open access-tidsskrift på Idunn

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning utgis fra og med 2016 av Universitetsforlaget, og publiseres heldigitalt på Idunn.

Alt innhold i tidsskriftet er fra og med 2016 åpent og gratis tilgjengelig for alle (open access). Artiklene publiseres under Creative Commons-lisensen CC BY-NC 4.0.

Tidsskriftet formidler flerfaglige forskningsresultater som er relevante for den vitenskapelige utviklingen og for den offentlige debatten om velferdsspørsmål. Tematisk spenner artiklene over komparative, normative og historiske analyser av velferdsstaten, studier av levekår og livskvalitet, sosiale problemer, trygd, helse og sosiale tjenester.

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning publiserer fagfellevurderte vitenskapelige artikler, kommentarer og bokanmeldelser, og er rangert på nivå 1 i den norske publiseringsindikatoren.

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Sist publiserte tidsskrifter er også: Tidsskrift for familierett, arverett og barnevernrettslige spørsmål, og Nordisk Sygepleijeforskning.

E-journals E-tidsskrift Lærerutdanningen Pedagogikk UBedu UBrss

PLU: Artikkel fra NTNU Stipendiat

Fredrik Mørk Røkenes, stipendiat ved Program for lærereutdanning,  kom i 2014 med en artikkel publisert i tidsskriftet Nordic Journal of Digital profileimageLiteracy,vol. 9,Nr. 4-2014. «Development of StudentTeachers’ Digital Competencein Teacher Education.

This article is a literature review of online peer-reviewed empirical studies from 2000 to 2013 regarding the development of digital competence of student teachers in teacher education qualified to teach in the secondary school grade level. The purpose of the review is to showcase and establish knowledge about empirical research on ICT-training in teacher education, and contribute with an overview of approaches for researchers, teacher educators, and policymakers on how teacher education develop student teachers’ digital competence for the secondary school grade level. A total of 42 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Based on a thematic analysis of the studies, including coding and categorization strategies, eight approaches were identified: collaboration, metacognition, blending, modeling, authentic learning, student-active learning, assessment, and bridging theory/practice gap. The approaches consider ways that teacher education programs promote student teachers’ digital competence, and educate them in professionally using ICT for their future use in school and classroom teaching in secondary education.

You can find the article here

Følg Fredrik Mørk Røkenes på: Twitter @fredrikmr   . Her skriver han  om blant annet teknologi, språklæring, lærerutdanning.

Cultural anthropology UBrss

Anthropology – Week 4: Anton Blok

Anton Blok, a dutch anthropologist, born in Amsterdam in 1935.

He is mostly known for his  studies on the Mafia in Sicily in the 1960s.


Anton Blok was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan (1972-1973) and University of California, Berkeley in 1988. He is a professor emeritus of cultural anthropology at the University of Amsterdam.

Some other publications by Anton Blok:

  • Honour and violence. Cambridge: Polity, 2001. ISBN 0-7456-0449-8
  • Anthropologische Perspektiven: Einführung, Kritik und Plädoyer. With Klaus Schomburg. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1995. ISBN 3-608-91725-X
Cultural anthropology Social anthropology Sosialantropologi UBrss

Alan Macfarlane: Interviews with Anthropologists


Interviews with Anthropologists is a collection of 91 interviews made by Alan Macfarlane between 1976 and 2010. Details of the full collection of anthropologist interviews can be browsed on DSpace@Cambridge by clicking here.

Interviews with Anthropologists is part of a wider collection of Film Interviews with Leading Thinkers, which can be found here.

Collection Details:

Collection: Interviews with Anthropologists
Collector: Alan Macfarlane
Date(s): 1976 – 2010
Language(s): English

Cultural anthropology Social anthropology Sosialantropologi UBedu UBrss

Anthropology – Week 3: A new anthropologist: Lars Krutak Tattoo Anthropologist

Lars Krutak received his Ph.D. at Arizona State University’s School of Human Evolution & Social Change in 2009. Since 2003, he has been studying the socioeconomic impacts of tourism and tourism promotion on indigenous Rarámuri (Tarahumara) arts and crafts vendors living in the Copper Canyon region of Mexico for his dissertation.

Krutak began tattoo research in 1996 as a graduate student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Trained as an archaeologist and cultural anthropologist, he spent three years exploring the complex symbolism and practice of tattooing throughout the Arctic.


Social anthropology Sosialantropologi Sosiologi UBedu UBrss

Anthropology -Week 2: A new anthropologist/sociologist

hekma-g_2Having my own anthropology background firmly planted in gender and sexuality studies I would this week like to present to you Gert Hekma. Gert Hekma teaches gay and lesbian studies in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the UvA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
His specialism is sociology and history of (homo) sexuality.





Geografi Geography UBrss

Geography-Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection

The PCL Map Collection includes more than 250,000 maps, yet less than 30% of the collection is currently online.

Support PCL:

Lærerutdanningen Pedagogikk Psykologi UBrss

Scalable Learning

Har du hørt om Scalable Learning? Verktøy utviklet  ved Uppsala Univesitet til bruk i Flipped Classroom.

– ScalableLearning provides interactive online lectures to free in-class time for active teaching. ScalableLearning turns passive online videos into active learning experiences through in-video quizzes and discussions. ScalableLearning shows teachers where students are struggling and enables them to easily bring online material for in-class review. With interactive online preparation, student analytics, and in-class review support, ScalableLearning is the ideal tool for flipped classroom teaching

scalable laearning