Medicine and Health Library Subject page

Changes on the Subject page for health and medicine

We have made changes to the menu on this subject resource page, based on user feedback and web statistics. The main changes include a common list of recommended databases for all subjects, as well as complete web pages in English.


Selected databases for health and medicine is now located under the tab “Find literature”. Subject area is indicated in brackets where this is relevant. Previously, databases and other subject resources for selected subject areas were listed on separate pages in the top menu. However, we believe that an overview of all databases better facilitates interdisciplinary research in health and medicine.

New menu databases

English pages

The second, major change to our web pages has been long due: Finally, we now provide a complete web page in English, parallell with the Norwegian page! Use the flag-icon in the menu (top right) to navigate between Norwegian and English. We aim to provide the same information and service in English as in Norwegian, although some resources are only available in Norwegian.


For students

We have observed that students and researchers use a lot of the same resources. The most important resources from the previous tab”For students” is now located under the tbs “Find literature”, “Anatomy & video”, and Write & publish.


Please contact us on ph: 72 57 66 80 or if you have questions regarding the changes – or if you have further suggestions for development!




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