MedOne Education

MedOne Educarion is a collection of E-books for medicine and health sciences

MedOne Education is a learning platform from Thieme with more than 100 medical and health e-books covering both basic topics and specialties (including radiology). You can find books for quick lookup or to delve deeply into the material. The books can also be found via the library discovery system Oria

A large collection of pictures and illustrations are available through searching or browsing. You can see which books these are used in and automatically get the correct reference to the images when you download them.

Important to note is that you have to be connected to NTNU or the St. Olavs network to access MedOne Education e-resources. If you want to bookmark, mark text, add notes, etc., you will be asked to create a personal user. Signing in with a personal user also enables the use of e-books outside the NTNU network later. Note that you need to be on the NTNU-network the first time you create your personal user.

MedOne Education can be used on mobiles or tablets by downloading a free app for iOS or Android. You need to create a personal user before downloading the app, as the app requires a login. The app can be used outside the NTNU-network afterwards.


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