As a new student, the start of the semester can be quite overwhelming. There is a lot of information to digest, people to get to know and rooms to find. We give you a brief overview of what the Medicine and Health Library can help you with.
Category: Medicine and Health Library
Do you miss the physical library? In the Virtual Library you can get help with academic writing, citation, literature searches, loans and more. It is also possible to request highly needed material from Oria.
We are now able to offer digital courses from the Medicine and Health Library for the rest of the semester! The courses will be held via Zoom. See overview of courses with links to registration below.
Are you a researcher or clinician and need publications on COVID-19? We have created a resource page on the new coronavirus. Most resources are available to the public. The page is updated continuously.
The Corona outbreak has an impact on opening hours and borrowing of books, but the library’s digital resources in medicine and health are available 24/7.