Welcome to the 2023 AFINO autumn school
AFINO Research School welcomes to a new edition this autumn, 18th – 21st September. This time with the topic: “Reinventing…
User Cafés with LiCalab Belgium
Releasing the Power of Users – in Belgium! Releasing the Power of Users is one of AFINO’s associated research projects,…
AFINO Annual meeting 2023 – Responsibility for Transformative Futures
We look forward to meeting the AFINO network at Hovde gård. For registered participants, here is the program: Sunday, June…
The first AFINO hackathon
Hackathon is a newcomer in AFINO context. Read how the first implementation went. The first AFINO Hackathon was held 18th…
The Corporate Social Responsibility squeeze
For decades, multinational companies have stepped up their efforts to embrace corporateresponsibility. Now this is being challenged through major powers…
Call for nominees to transdisciplinary publication award
Centre for Digital Life Norway (DLN) highlights and rewards research projects in Norway in digital life sciences that take a…
Naivt å tro at næringslivet frivillig kan påta seg samfunnsansvar
For å nå fram i klimakampen, korrupsjonskampen og kampen for sosial rettferdighet må samfunnsansvaret løftes opp på bransjenivå, og et…
Podcast: “Finans kan ikke redde verden alene”
Bærekraft har vært en megatrend i næringslivet de siste tiårene. I podcasten fra Fremtidens Næringsliv sier Atle Midttun at en…
A taste of AFINO’s first pilot at the first Nordic Food Forum
The first edition of the Nordic Food Forum turned out to be a great occasion for AFINO to present the…
The challenging gap
Imagine yourself as an early career PhD student. How do you deal with the situation when the institution you are…