For decades, multinational companies have stepped up their efforts to embrace corporate
responsibility. Now this is being challenged through major powers such as China as a major economic powerhouse, in alliance with Russia, as an authoritarian counterpoint.

Atle Midttun
Atle Midttun is Professor Emeritus at BI Norwegian Business School and project associate in WP5 in AFINO; Illustrative Nordic Cases on Sustainability.

Companies are being squeezed between autocratic and democratic regimes. How can multinational businesses cope with this situation?

The question is asked by Atle Midttun in the article: A Clash of Ideologies: Companies squeezed between Autocratic and Democratic Regimes.

The article is based on research financed by The Research Council of Norway under the AFINO project, and published on the website Markets and Morals.

Featured image: Colourbox.