
New textbook on the treatment of COVID-19 available as e-book

The pandemic is hopefully in its last phase, but it will still have an impact on health personnel in the hospitals. We have now access to the textbook COVID-19: A Critical Care Textbook (2022) available in Clinical Key Student.

COVID-19: A Critical Care Textbook

The new textbook will be a useful resource for health personnel involved in the treatment of critical care patients with COVID and others who want to learn more about the knowledge we have gained on COVID during the pandemic.

Access requires that you create a personal user and log on to to new platform (also if you are only going to read the books). It is necessary to be connected to the NTNU- or St. Olavs network when you create a personal user and for later use with a PC or a Mac. Use VPN when you are off campus. You can learn more about Clinical Key Student and its 250 textbooks here.

By Jan Ove Rein

Senior Research Librarian at the Medicine and Health Library.

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