
Get easy access to full text in PubMed by using LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is program that can be downloaded as an add on for most web browsers and then connected to NTNUs journal holdings resulting in easy information and access to full text articles directly in the result list.

LibKey Nomad is an web browser add on that provides easy information and link to full text for articles retrieved in your PubMed search.

LibKey Nomad’s add on can be downloaded from the link below:

Choose web browser for the add on and download it. Choose NTNU as insitution and now LibKey Nomad is ready for use.

Illustration showing how to download and activate LibKey Nomad.

The producer of LibKey Nomad also supplies BrowZine, which NTNU has a subscription for. In BrowZine you can sort out and keep track of your favorite journals. More information about BrowZine can be found on Innsida.

By Jan Ove Rein

Senior Research Librarian at the Medicine and Health Library.

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