Will the European Green Deal push for more food waste reductions?
Recent months brought important, forward-looking sustainability strategies for the European Union. Both the European Green Deal and the Farm-to-Fork strategy…
Mathematical models, scientific responsibility and the benefits of transdisciplinarity in the times of crisis
This blog post was first published on KOI TU: The Centre for Informed Futures’ webpage (University of Auckland) on April 2nd, 2020….
Good information is required for good decision making: Why transdisciplinarity matters
This blog post was first published on KOI TU: The Centre for Informed Futures’ webpage (University of Auckland) on May…
Publication: Expanding the field of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) – from responsible research to responsible innovation
This article introduces a special issue in the journal European Planning Studies, including 10 investigations of heterogeneous responsible innovation practices…
Publication: The role of engineers in the greening of the South-Western Norwegian maritime industry
In this newly published article, Svein Gunnar Sjøtun looks at the role of engineers in how green transformation takes place…
Publication in the Journal of Business Ethics: Rawls’ political philosophy as criticism of BP’s economic compensation plan after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico
Congratulations to Kristian Alm and Mark Brown’s newly published paper in the top-ranked Journal of Business Ethics! In this article,…
Publikasjon: Hva sier pasienten gjennom larmen av Covid-19?
“Fremover blir det stadig viktigere å intensivere informasjonen og øke kunnskapsbasen om betydningen av lokal, brukerorientert og ansvarlig innovasjon innen…
Including RRI in the development and implementation of Horizon Europe
As Horizon Europe is entering its final stages of shaping, there are still some open questions regarding how RRI will…
Kick-start av case om petroleumsnæringens møte med klimautfordringene på fem kontinenter
I AFINOs arbeidspakke 5 som ledes av BI utvikler vi case-studier med fokus på bedrifter og samfunn. Vårt første case…