E-journals E-tidsskrift Lærerutdanningen Pedagogikk UBedu UBrss

PLU: Artikkel fra NTNU Stipendiat

Fredrik Mørk Røkenes, stipendiat ved Program for lærereutdanning,  kom i 2014 med en artikkel publisert i tidsskriftet Nordic Journal of Digital profileimageLiteracy,vol. 9,Nr. 4-2014. «Development of StudentTeachers’ Digital Competencein Teacher Education.

This article is a literature review of online peer-reviewed empirical studies from 2000 to 2013 regarding the development of digital competence of student teachers in teacher education qualified to teach in the secondary school grade level. The purpose of the review is to showcase and establish knowledge about empirical research on ICT-training in teacher education, and contribute with an overview of approaches for researchers, teacher educators, and policymakers on how teacher education develop student teachers’ digital competence for the secondary school grade level. A total of 42 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Based on a thematic analysis of the studies, including coding and categorization strategies, eight approaches were identified: collaboration, metacognition, blending, modeling, authentic learning, student-active learning, assessment, and bridging theory/practice gap. The approaches consider ways that teacher education programs promote student teachers’ digital competence, and educate them in professionally using ICT for their future use in school and classroom teaching in secondary education.

You can find the article here

Følg Fredrik Mørk Røkenes på: Twitter @fredrikmr   . Her skriver han  om blant annet teknologi, språklæring, lærerutdanning.

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Lærerutdanningen Pedagogikk Psykologi UBrss

Scalable Learning

Har du hørt om Scalable Learning? Verktøy utviklet  ved Uppsala Univesitet til bruk i Flipped Classroom.

– ScalableLearning provides interactive online lectures to free in-class time for active teaching. ScalableLearning turns passive online videos into active learning experiences through in-video quizzes and discussions. ScalableLearning shows teachers where students are struggling and enables them to easily bring online material for in-class review. With interactive online preparation, student analytics, and in-class review support, ScalableLearning is the ideal tool for flipped classroom teaching

scalable laearning