Popular books
Roland Stockmann & Eric Ythier
Scorpions of the World.
NAP Editions (2010)
ISBN 978-2-913688-11-7.
Probably the most comprehensive and informative scorpion book since The Biology of Scorpions. The book has a scientific basis, but is written in a popular science language (but some parts are quite advanced). The book contains an updated review on scorpion biology. The part about scorpion taxonomy is very informative and is a great tools for laypersons that wants to learn about scorpion taxonomy. The book has pictures and descriptions of 350 species. More information about the book.
Mahsberg, D., Lippe, R & Kallas, S.
Skorpione. (2. edition)
Natur und Tier Verlag (2012)
ISBN 978-3-86659-165-3
A great book written by scorpion scientist Dieter Mahsberg and co-workers. The book is in German. More information about the book and where to buy it
Dr. M. Habibulla
The Secretive Life of the Amazing 'Living Fossil' Scorpion.
Archways Publishing (2016)
ISBN 978-1-48082-474-4.
The book presents different sides of scorpion biology and is illustrated with color pictures. The book may be of interest for both professionals and scorpion enthusiasts. More information about the book.
Manny Rubio
Scorpions - a complete pet owner's manual. (2. edition)
Barrons Educational Series (2008)
ISBN 0764139819/978-0764139819.
A very well written and informative book about how to keep scorpions in captivity. Great pictures and a very informative table with information about captive care of 50 species. It is the only popular reference in the pet trade that was reviewed by leading scorpion authorities. NB! A seccond edition is now available (2008)!
Watz, Martin.
Skorpione im Terrarium.
Ulmer: Eugen (2008)
ISBN 380015658X /978-3800156580
A book about captive care in german. I'm not that good in German, but the text looks good, and the pictures are of high quality.
Mahsberg, D., Lippe, R & Kallas, S.
Natur und Tier Verlag (1999)
ISBN 3931587150
A great book written by scorpion scientist Dieter Mahsberg. The book is in German and I haven't read all of it, but it seems to be very good. Very good photos (some photos of species not too often seen). NB! New edition - see above!
Viquez, Carlos
Escorpiones de Costa Rica/Costa Rica Scorpions.
INBio (1999)
ISBN 9968702218
Very nice book with information and photos of alle the scorpion species known from Costa Rica. All the information in the book is presented in spanish and english.
Engelbrecht, I.
Field Guide to Scorpiones of South Africa
Struik Nature (2023)
ISBN 978-1-77584-574-4
An impressive book written by South African scorpion expert Ian Engelbrecht. The book describe and illustrate all known species from South Africa. The quality of the pictures are very good, making this book av very helpful tool for investigating the scorpion fauna of South Africa.
Jonathan Leeming
Struik (2003).
ISBN 1-86872-804-8
NB! A new edition will be published in November, 2018! This book is written by by Jonathan Leeming, who has done a lot of work with South African scorpions. This book will be intended for both professionals and amateur naturalists. More information about the book, and information how to order it can be found HERE (this is a Word-file). I will write some more information about the book as soon as I've seen it.
Ordering information can be found HERE.
Mark A. Newton
A guide to Keeping AUSTRALIAN SCORPIONS in Captivity.
Mark Newton Publishing (2008).
ISBN 978-0-9804161-0-7
This book is written by by Mark Newton (BSc), who has done a lot of work with Aussi scorpions and who runs the main Aussi scorpion internet page, The Spiral Burrow. In addition to information about how to keep Aussi scorpions, the book also has a lot of general information about scorpion biology. This book should be of interest to all kinds of scorpion enthusiasts. More information about the book, and information how to order it can be found here.
Gerard Dupre & Nicole Lambert
Scorpions - Guide to Captive Care..
Edizioni Wild, Milano (2010).
ISBN 978-88-903334-2-2
Information about the book in The Scorpion Files Newsblog. You can order the book here.
Lourenco, Wilson.
ISBN 2914449038 This book is written by by Dr. Wilson Lourenco, who has done a lot of research in taxonomy, biology, ecology and biogeography of scorpions, and is considered an authority on tropical scorpions. More information about the book, and information how to order it can be found HERE (this is a pdf-file, and Acrobat Reader is neccessary to read the file). I will write some more information about the book as soon as I've seen it.
Jerry G. Walls
Scorpions Plus Other Popular Invertebrates.
The Herpetocultural Library (2006)
ISBN 1-882770-86-2.
Probably an OK scorpion book for beginners in the US. Have also info on other invertebrate groups seen in the pet industry.
Rankin, W. Rankin & Jerry Walls
Tarantulas & Scorpions.
Thomasson Grant & Howell (19??)
ISBN 0793802598
Mainly a tarantula book, but with a scorpion chapter. Some nice photos, and the information is probably O.K. for beginners.
Ann Webb
Scorpions & kin.
TFH Publications (1998)
ISBN 0793820669
Some nice pictures, but written by someone who doesen't know too much about scorpions. Quite a few errors.
Vince Hull-Williams
How to keep scorpions.
Fitzgerald Publishing (19??)
ISBN 0951093924
Kovarik, Frantisek
Stiri [Scorpions]
ISBN 8086068102
Probably a very interesting book written by scorpion scientist Frantisek Kovarik, but unfortunately it is only available in Czechoslovakian. This book has a lot of very good photos, many of which are of rare species. Just the photos justify spending money on this book. I would love to see this book translated and published in English or German!
Phillippe de Vosjoli
Arachnomania - Tarantulas & Scorpions.
Advanced Vivarium Systems (1991)
ISBN 1882770102
Good photos, and some good information, but several errors in both taxonomy and husbandry.
Laurence Pringle
Scorpion man - Exploring the world of scorpions.
Charles Scribner's Sons (1994)
ISBN 0684195607

A very nice book about the life and research of one of the worlds greatest scorpion ecologists, Gary Polis, who died in a boat accident off the east coast of Baja California in mars 2000. In addition to beeing a biography, the book also sums up much of Gary Polis' research on scorpions.
Dupre, Gerard
Des Scorpions et des Hommes - Une Histoire de la Scorpionologie de L’Antiquite a Nos Jours
Editions Arachnides (2008).
ISBN 978-2-9531551-0-5 I have not seen this book yet. The following information has been released from the publisher: "Historians of science have not paid much interest in the history of zoology and even less than the scorpionology. This gap is now partially filled with this book. The scorpions have always fascinated people in the same way that snakes across the danger they can pose to everyone. To classify these animals within the meaning of the zoological term is the subject of the first part of this study. Then the biology of these animals will be explored in the course of history since the earliest human writing until today. Finally, the main part of the book will reveal all reports that different civilizations and religions have had with scorpions through the mythology and medicine. This french book of 424 pages includes 58 figures and is based on about 1200 references found in a dozen different languages. From size 14 x 20, it is available from the APCI at a price of 20 euros."

Jan Ove Rein (C) 2025