Scientific books/Journals


Gary A. Polis (editor)
The Biology of Scorpions.
Standford University Press (1990)
ISBN 0804712492
This is currently the best scorpion book available. The late Gary A. Polis was the world's leading scorpion ecology expert until his tragic death. With chapters written by the world's leading authorities, this book involves all aspects of scorpion biology and can be enjoyed by both researchers and hobbyists. An essential book for all interested in scorpions.

Brownell, Philip & Polis, Gary.
Scorpion Biology and Research.
Oxford University Press (2001).
ISBN 0195084349
A very important and informative update on scorpion biology, but this book doesn't cover all sides of scorpion biology. This book is not an updated version of The Biology of Scorpions, but rather an update on selected areas of scorpion biology.
Fet, Victor, Sissom, W. David, Lowe, Graeme & Braunwalder, Matt E.
Cataloge of the Scorpions of the World (1758-1998).
The New York Entomological Society (2000).
ISBN 0913424242
A complete list of all scorpion families, genera and species described up to 1998, their distributions and literature references (bibliograhies). This book doesn't have any identification keys or descriptions of the species. This book is essential for all professional scorpionists.
Kovarík, František
Illustrated Catalog of Scorpions. Part II.
Clarion Productions (2013).
ISBN 978-80904340-2-8
Part II of Kovarik's Illustrated Scorpion Catalog covers Bothriuridae, Chaerilidae and parti I of Buthidae (genera Compsobuthus, Hottentotta, Isometrus, Lychas, and Sassanidotus. The book included an ID key for all the genera, 1621 color photos, 253 black-and-white photos, 110 drawings, and 26 distribution maps. This book is important to all professional scorpionists, but will also be useful for hobbyists and other scorpion interested peoples as the language is not too scientific. How to order the book .
Kovarík, František
Illustrated Catalog of Scorpions. Part I.
Clarion Productions (2009).
Part I of Kovarik's Illustrated Scorpion Catalog covers the Scorpionidae subfamily Scorpioninae with genera Heterometrus, Pandinus, Scorpio and Opistophthalmus. An ID key for all the genera, distributional data and 650 color pictures of most species in the subfamily are presented. In the book's introductionary part, a key to all scorpion families and genera described by the end of 2008 is given. This book is important to all professional scorpionists, but will also be useful for hobbyists and other scorpion interested peoples as the language is not too scientific. How to order the book .
Roland Stockmann & Eric Ythier
Scorpions of the World.
NAP Editions (2010)
ISBN 978-2-913688-11-7.
Probably the most comprehensive and informative scorpion book since The Biology of Scorpions. The book has a scientific basis, but is written in a popular science language (but some parts are quite advanced). The book contains an updated review on scorpion biology. The part about scorpion taxonomy is very informative and is a great tools for laypersons that wants to learn about scorpion taxonomy. The book has pictures and descriptions of 350 species. More information about the book.
Dr. M. Habibulla
The Secretive Life of the Amazing 'Living Fossil' Scorpion.
Archways Publishing (2016)
ISBN 978-1-48082-474-4.
The book presents different sides of scorpion biology and is illustrated with color pictures. The book may be of interest for both professionals and scorpion enthusiasts. More information about the book.
Fet, Victor & Paul Selden (eds.).
SCORPIONS 2001 - In memoriam Gary A. Polis.
British Arachnological Society (2001).
ISBN 0950009334
This new book is a very important contribution to the knowledge of scorpion biology. It includes several important works on scorpion taxonomy and phylogeny (but also other areas of scorpion biology) by the worlds leading scorpion scientists. Reccomended for all professional scorpionists.
Lourenco, Wilson.
ISBN 2914449038 This book is written by by Dr. Wilson Lourenco, who has done a lot of research in taxonomy, biology, ecology and biogeography of scorpions, and is considered an authority on tropical scorpions. More information about the book, and information how to order it can be found HERE (this is a pdf-file, and Acrobat Reader is neccessary to read the file). I will write some more information about the book as soon as I've seen it.
Engelbrecht, I.
Field Guide to Scorpiones of South Africa
Struik Nature (2023)
ISBN 978-1-77584-574-4
An impressive book written by South African scorpion expert Ian Engelbrecht. The book describe and illustrate all known species from South Africa. The quality of the pictures are very good, making this book av very helpful tool for investigating the scorpion fauna of South Africa.
Jonathan Leeming
Struik (2003).
ISBN 1-86872-804-8
This book is written by by Jonathan Leeming, who has done a lot of work with South African scorpions. This book will be intended for both professionals and amateur naturalists. More information about the book, and information how to order it can be found HERE (this is a Word-file). I will write some more information about the book as soon as I've seen it.
Ordering information can be found HERE.
Braunwalder, Matt E.
Fauna Helvetica - SCORPIONES
Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune/Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft (2005).
ISBN 2884140255 This is Matt Braunwalder's long awaited work on the scorpions of Switzerland. Even though the main focus of the book is the species native to Switzerland, the book also has information about other members of the Euscorpius genus. It is safe to say that this book is a goldmine for those interested in all aspects of the biology of European scorpions. The book is written in german and italian, but not in english. This is a book for both professionals and amateurs.
Viquez, Carlos
Escorpiones de Costa Rica/Costa Rica Scorpions.
INBio (1999)
ISBN 9968702218
Very nice book with information and photos of alle the scorpion species known from Costa Rica. All the information in the book is presented in spanish and english.
Touloun, Oulaid
Les Peuplements de Scorpions du Sud Ouest Marocain: Ecologie, Biogéographie et Epidémiologie des envenimations
Editions universitaires europeennes EUE (2012).
ISBN 3-8417-8709-6
I do not have this book and as all information is in French I haven't any details to present. Information about the book can be found here.
Dupre, Gerard
Des Scorpions et des Hommes - Une Histoire de la Scorpionologie de L'Antiquite a Nos Jours
Editions Arachnides (2008).
ISBN 978-2-9531551-0-5
I have not seen this book yet. The following information has been released from the publisher: "Historians of science have not paid much interest in the history of zoology and even less than the scorpionology. This gap is now partially filled with this book. The scorpions have always fascinated people in the same way that snakes across the danger they can pose to everyone. To classify these animals within the meaning of the zoological term is the subject of the first part of this study. Then the biology of these animals will be explored in the course of history since the earliest human writing until today. Finally, the main part of the book will reveal all reports that different civilizations and religions have had with scorpions through the mythology and medicine. This french book of 424 pages includes 58 figures and is based on about 1200 references found in a dozen different languages. From size 14 x 20, it is available from the APCI at a price of 20 euros."
Hugh L. Keegan
Scorpions of medical importance.
Fitzgerald Publishing (1980)
ISBN 0952408317
A very informative book if you are interested in scorpion venoms and which species have medical significance. The book is rather old and outdated; some info is now obsolete but it is still a valuable reference. See
scorpion of medical importance page for more information about this topic.
Bawaskar, H. S.
Scorpion Sting - Clinical Manifestations, Management and Literature.
Poular Prakashan (1999)
ISBN 8171547184
A summary of Dr. Bawaskar's impressive work on scorpionism in India. The book adress mainly evenomations in India by Mesobuthus tamulus, but scorpionism in other countries are also mentioned. Be aware that some scorpion genera are wrong (e. g. Androctonus is spelt Androltonus and Androceonus) and some old taxonomic names are used (e.g. Palamneus for Heteromterus). See
scorpion of medical importance page for more information about this topic.
L.E. Koch
The taxonomy, geographic distribution and evolutionary radiation of Australo-Papuan scorpions.
Published in Rec. West. Aust. Mus. 5 (2) pp. 83-367 in 1977.
Available in fulltext on the net with permission from the publisher through Peter Wright.
Available in fulltext!
A very extensive work covering all known (up to 1977) species from Australia. In addition to taxonomy, the paper also includes information about zoogeography, ecology and behavior. Key to species and distribution maps are included in the original monograph.
Max Vachon
Etudes sur les Scorpions.
Institut Pasteur D'Algerie, Alger (1952)
This books is the most comprehensive treatment of North African scorpions ever made. Max Vachon was one of the most important scorpionist in modern times, and this book is a summary of his works on African scorpions. A lot of identification keys, and very good drawings. The book is written in french. 482 pp.
Available in fulltext.
Tikader, B.K. & Bastawade, D.B.
Fauna of India. Scorpionidae : Arachnida. Vol. III: Scorpions.
Zoological Survey of India, India. (1983)
This books is the most comprehensive treatment of Indian scorpions ever made. The book list all known species from India, and has a lot of drawings. 671 pp.
Available in fulltext.
G. Levy & P. Amitai
Fauna Palestina. Arachnida I : Scorpiones.
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Israel. (1980)
This books is the most comprehensive treatment of scorpions from Israel and Palestina. The book lists all known species from the area, and has a lot of drawings. The book also contains an introduction with detailed morphological drawings which are very helpful if you want to learn a little about many of the characteristics that are used in scorpion identification. 130 pp.
The book is still available from The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Israel (Choose "Publications Cataloge" on the meny on the left).


< Euscorpius
NEW! New electronic journal devoted to scorpion biology available in fulltext on the internet!
Published by professors Victor Fet and Michael E. Soleglad (editors).
Journal of Arachnology Online
Available in fulltext!
Published by The American Arachnology Society.

Jan Ove Rein (C) 2025