Here I'm trying to give you a collection of links to web pages with information about and/or pictures of scorpions. I will try to keep this links updated, but "rotten links" are a large problems on the net today, and I'm therefor grateful for information about links which are "out of order". Send error messages to:

In this main page, I will not try to list as many scorpion pages as possible, but only select high-quality web pages. A more extensive list of links can be found in the SCORPION LINKS - PART II (This page is based on links from The Arachnology Homepage - By the courtesy of Herman Vanuytven)

More links will follow in the time to come ....


Scorpion's World
Excellent scorpion information and pictures by Anthony Thillien. The website is in French.

Scorpion Distribution in the World
A very important scorpion resource making it possible to see which species are found in different countries in the world. A "Reverted" list - sorted by families, genera and species will be available in the future. This database is made by Jacek Szubert and

Scott Stockwell's The Scorpion Emporium
The Scorpion Emporium was the first and best information resource on the Internet for many years, but have been gone for several years. Now most of it seems to have become available at Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (I have not checked if all links work). Made by Dr. Scott Stockwell.[NB! This website probably have not been updated for many years, but much of the information is still valid!]

Singapore Scorpion Page
A very informative scorpion page. A special section about Asian species. Made by Chua Kian Wee

Patrick's Scorpion Page
Great scorpion information by Patrick Bultel. The page is available in french, english, german and spanish!

Scorpion Systematics Research Group
A high-quality website conserning research on scorpion taxonomy. Hosted by the Scorpion Systematic Research Group at American Museum of Natural History.

REVSYS: Systematics of the scorpion family Vaejovidae
A high-quality website that has a lot of information and pictures. There is a lot of general information in addition to the focus on the family Vaejovidae. This page is authored by several of the worlds leading expert lead by Lorenzo Prendini and David Sissom.

Kari's Scorpion Pages
Among the content are checklists of US scorpions and a US Check list by states. Made by Kari McWest.

The Spiral Burrow
A very informative page with a lot of stuff. Great pictures. A lot about Australian scorpions. Made by Mark Newton

Scorpions of South Africa
A very informative homepage about South-African scorpions with excellent photos . Made by Jonathan Leeming

South African scorpions
A website with excellent information about and photos of S-African scorpions. Made by Iziko Museums of Cape Town

Photo gallery of the world's scorpion researchers. Made by the Euscorpius Journal.

Made by the Euscorpius Journal.

The Arachnology Homepage
The internet's leading collection of links to arachnological resources on the net. 04.01.05: Site creator Herman Vanuytven has taken back the control of this excellent site, and has done a major update of the links.

Scorpions from the Chihuahuan Desert Region of Mexico and the United States
Information about scorpions from the Chihuahuan area in US and Mexico. Made by Chad Lee

Scorpions in California (US)
Information about scorpions in California. Made by Warren Savory

The Tarantula Burrow's Scorpion Section
Information about scorpions. Made by Martin Overton

Scorpions in Costa Rica
Information about, and pictures of scorpions in Costa Rica. Made by Dr. Carlos Viquez.

Indian Scorpions
A blog with good information and excellent pictures of Indian scorpions. Made by Aamod Zambre.

German website with information. Made by Maximilian Büttner

German website with information and pictures. Made by a group of German enthusiasts

Scorpion Facts
Scorpion facts from Scorpion Sweepers

Scorpions and scorpion research in Iran
Information about scorpions in Iran and research on scorpions in this country.


American Tarantula Society Scorpion Message Board

Arachnoboards' Scorpion Forum

Scorpion Forum

German scorpion forum. Made by Robert Sroka


Kari's Scorpion Control Page

Some advices from

Scorpion Sweepers
A company in Arizona (US) that specializes in removing scorpions from homes and properties without using chemicals.

Some advices from Responsible Pest Control Services


Online identification key for the genus Euscorpius.

A key to the genera of North American scorpions.
This key, which is written by Scott Stockwell, was a part of the excellent homepage The scorpion Emporium, that has been gone from the web for several years. It seems now to be available from Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit. Please note that the key is not updated with the changes that has happended in the last years.

Online identification key to the scorpions of Europe (incl. Asian part of Turkey) [NB! Not up to date for European scorpion fauna].

Online identification key to the scorpions of California.

Revised Online identification key for the genus Heterometrus in the journal Euscorpius (pdf file).

Online key to the scorpions of Argentina (in spanish)


Emperor Scorpions
All you need to know about the Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator), but also with general scorpion information. Made by Dave Gaban.
Scientific information about the genus Pandinus (Information about distribution and how to separate this genus from members of the genus Heterometrus and the members of the family Ischnuridae and much more). Made by Boris Stiffler.

The Hottentotta page
A page devoted to the genus Hottentotta. Previosuly edited by Vincent Wisse, but now edited by Alex Ullrich.

A page devoted to Emperor Scorpions.

Homepage devoted to Pandinus imperator
A page devoted to Emperor Scorpions and the genus Pandinus. Dutch and english text. Made by Jeroen Kooijman.


Singapore Scorpion Page - Venom information
Made by Chua Kian Wee.

eMedicine on scorpion evenomations
Edited by David Cheng, MD.

Clinical Toxinology Resources - Scorpions
Made by Women's & Children's Hospital Adelaide (Australia) & The University of Adelaide (Australia).

Scorpion antivenoms
A list of available antivenoms and their producers. Made by


Scorpion photo Gallery
Made by Tomas Libich.

Scorpions of Israel
Made by Rittner Oz.

Gallery of scorpions of Cuba
Made by Rolando Teruel & Nicasio Vina Bayes.


American Arachnological Society
Homepage of the American Arachnological Society with The Journal of Arachnology (partly available in fulltext).

British Arachnological Society
Homepage of the British Arachnological Society.

International Society of Arachnology
Homepage of the International Society of Arachnology

African Arachnological Society
Homepage of the African Arachnological Society (AFRAS)

American Tarantula Society
Homepage of the American Tarantula Society

British Tarantula Society
Homepage of the British Tarantula Society.

Groupe d'Etude des Arachnides
The GEA is the main french society for thoses interested in tarantulas, scorpions and other arachnids. In french (start page available in english).


The Scorpion Hunter
Sell LED technology based equipment for locating scorpions.

The Blacklight Shop
Blacklights for Locating Scorpions and Pet Stains. They also has black light tools and books.

Sell all sorts of UV lamps. I can reccomed the 8 leds UV Headlamp, which I have used with great success.

Xenopus Electronix
Sell a 32 leds UV MagLite flashlight (395 nm is the best for outside hunting). I have tried this flashlight in the field, and I can highly reccomend it. It works great, but a solid MagLite will also not break if you drop it, and is also a defensive tool in case of an emergency).

Manga Light
Many types of lamps available.

Jan Ove Rein (C) 2025