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Riktlinjer för författare

STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Editorial Procedure
Articles that are found promising are peer-reviewed. The author will normally receive a response, within six weeks, with a decision and detailed instructions for further process. Articles accepted for publication will be returned to the author for proofreading and final approval with a 48-hour deadline, where minor changes such as corrections to typographical and formatting errors, may be made. There are no page charges for manuscripts accepted for publication.

Contributions must be submitted as Microsoft Word files. Please use this template
and submit both doc and pdf files. (We are currently in the development of a Latex template)

Article length shall normally be a maximum of 6000 words, not including abstract and references. The author is responsible for procuring permission to use illustrations and other previously published materials. 

Language, abstract, keywords
The journal accepts manuscripts written in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, or English. The first page of the manuscript must contain the full title, an abstract of up to 300 words.

Author-year style of referencing
Nordic Journal of STEM Education is a cross disciplinary forum for exchanging and sharing observations, reflections and results across several disciplines within STEM education. For this reason we allow most established systems for reference handling, within the various STEM fields. If in doubt we recommend the Harvard style of referencing. For examples, see [Harvard examples].


Nordic Journal of STEM Education - Full Papers

Peer reviewed papers of 6000 words or less, not including abstract and references, addressing pedagogical, educational, and academic developments or studies, based in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) , empirical observation and theoretical frameworks. Nordic perspectives are of particular interest, but papers with wider scopes will be considered on their merits.

MNT Konferansen - Conference submissions

These are the submission of the bi-annual MNT Conference. The contributions have passed through editorial desk review before the conference and are not furrther vetted before publishing the conference submissions in this OJS journal. This section is not part of the peer reviewed contributions to the Nordic Journal of STEM Education.


The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.