Path planning for autonomous car

Påbegynt bachelor/master (1.-3. år)
Påbegynt master (4.-5. år)
Fullført bachelorgrad
Data og informasjonsteknologi
Energi og elektrofag
Matte, fysikk og nanoteknologi
Type oppdrag
Praksis / annet
NTNU Gløshaugen
Analyse, databehandling, rapportering
Forskning og utvikling (FOU)
Teknologi- og produktutvikling
Arbeidssted (fylke / by)
Informasjon om hvordan man søker
Let us know by email if you are interested and want to know more
E-post for søknad

DNV GL Fuel Fighter is a voluntary technical student organisation at NTNU working with the goal of making the worlds most energy efficient car to compete in the Shell Eco Marathon.

But that is not our only goal, we also want to make the car autonomous. The autonomous project has been going on for two years, and we believe the competition in 2021 is a realistic goal.

The purpose of this task is to implement path planning algorithm(s) to make the car complete the challenges set by shell to win the autonomous competition. You will be a part of the autonomous group, but also work closely with a lot of other motivated students from different fields of study. The car used for the autonomous competition is the same as for the efficiency competition. Making it an efficient autonomus car by optimizing the path planning algorithm(s) is therefore a plus. 


Read more about the autonomous challenges in Shell Eco Marathon Autonomous: