Arkeolog, sosialantropologi

ARK4 engaging with the past


Ark4 a digital heritage library was initiated by the NTNU University library in 2014 and is exploring new ways to approach culture and heritage re-using digital content from the Cultural Heritage sector, mainly deriving from Europeana and other libraries to reach a wider audience through knowledge games.

Our collaborator for the applications produced and the workshops organized in 2015 is

Digital Curation Unit Athena RC with Dimitris Gavrilis, Agiati Benardou, Eliza Papaki, Eleni Afiotzi and Nephelie Chatzidiakou.

Ark4 plans to organize educational activities in the immediate academic community, among colleagues and university students in the investigation of approaching cultural heritage and archives and its protection from different angles. It also aims in spreading knowledge on heritage sites and monuments or heritage archives through educational workshops and gaming activities to create engagement for the general public as well.

ARK4 investigates onARK_screen

  • digital technology and games as a tool for community action of heritage protection and knowledge sharing.
  • the idea of community-based participatory approaches to heritage and archive dissemination work.
  • the role, end-users play as active participants in the design process.
  • The outcomes of user-interaction, in thecontext of a targeted activity, using mobile technology.

Knowledge gained from a museum visit activity where the students were divided in teams and were given questions and a small  introduction to the goals of the activity. They were encouraged to walk around collect the answers and photos and they worked for two hours. The products delivered were a ppt presentation, pictures and films.

Our conclusions in short after the workshops were completed are the following:

    • digital technology and games has been an attractive tool for High School students for knowledge sharing.
    • the idea of teamwork and participatory design seemed engaging.
    • the students participated actively in seeking information and in designing the dissemination product.
    • users were interacting socially, reflecting and seeking information, in the context of a targeted activity, using mobile technology.

Our games have subjects as archaeology, history, botany, literature, war history, archives and are produced in three languages.

  1. English :Lost Cultures and Children litarture( with content from Europeana and Gunnerus library special collections)
  2. Norwegian: Womens History and Rødøy quiz
  3. Greek: Delos og Mykonos
Arkeolog, sosialantropologi


Cipa announces a summer school 
30th August – 4th September 2016, Valencia, Spain


AIMS of the Summer School

The CIPA Heritage Documentation Summer School on “Cultural Heritage 3D Surveying and Modelling” consists of theoretical lectures (3D surveying, photogrammetry, active sensors, etc.) and practical work, in the field and in the lab. The participants will learn the basics in surveying and data acquisition (with digital cameras, laser scanning sensors and UAV platforms) as well as practice with data processing methods for 3D models and metric products generation. This Summer School gives the opportunity to scholars, PhD students, researchers and specialists in the surveying and heritage fields to deepen their knowledge and expertise with reality-based 3D modelling techniques.
Read more
3D Recording, Documentation and Management of Cultural Heritage
A timely benchmark publication when so much
heritage globally is under threat

An integrated treatment of cultural heritage
recording, modelling and conservation

Perfect tool for understanding and planning

Cultural Heritage

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi

Ark4 project and lost cultures

Niniveh by H. Layard, picture by Åge Høyem




Ark4 a digital heritage library, started in 2014 by NTNU University library and is exploring new ways to approach culture and heritage and attempts to re-use digital content from the Cultural Heritage sector, mainly deriving from Europeana and other libraries and museums to reach a wider audience through knowledge games.  We also aim in creating engagement and educational activities in the immediate academic community, among colleagues and university students in the investigation of approaching the past from different angles.

Our main partner in this phase is Athena the Digital Curation unit and we collaborate with three archaeologists and IT experts.

We use visual material from old archives and create games with questions about endangered sites, PalmyraNiniveh and Nimrud with the purpose to spread knowledge about past cultures that are now destroyed or even threatened.

Archaeologists have been playing a role in informing on the atrocities committed as a result of war and ethnic or nationalistic turmoil but there is always a demand for an approach that is not only theoretical but it contains actions and proactive protection. Such initiatives have been collaborating with Unesco and Icomos that are commited to protect sites in danger, either that is done through documentation  or projects as CYARK500 or New Palmyra or through social media as Archaeology in Syria Facebook group , where professionals archaeologists from USA Europe and middle East participate in letting information about the destructions happening as they happen.

I believe that we as academics, have an obligation to keep these memories alive and not let them slide in oblivion. It is not a secret anymore that antiquities that are stolen from these countries are sold to the western countries and the money goes to finance weapons for the ones actually stealing and destroying those countries and its heritage. In Syria when the war started, there were armed groups that would destroy sites to lift up mosaics from the floors and sell them.

ARK4 is not providing a solution to all that but intends to create engagement and spread knowledge about those sites through educational workshops and gaming tools.

More on Ark4 here.



Arkeolog, sosialantropologi

Slipp bøkene fri- det er vår!

Vi er ikke blitt helt gale her borte på Gunnerus, men vi har vårrengjøring på biblioteket og rydder i arkeologisamlinga og en del litteratur (som vi har dobbelt av og som av ulike grunner ikke egner seg til utlån, f.eks. skribling og dårlig innbinding) skal permiteres og gis bort til fremadstormende og entusiastiske arkeologistudenter! En forutsetning er selvfølgelig at du lover å ta godt vare på pensjonistene som har tjent mange generasjoner studenter trofast. Vi oppfordrer også til at du gjerne gir dem videre til andre studenter når du ikke trenger den lenger.

Bøkene står på hylle ved skranken i 1 etg. på Gunnerusbiblioteket

Beste hilsen fra Bibliotekgjengen ved Gunnerus!

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi

Celebrating ‪#‎WorldBookDay‬

Book fair by sparebank, Trondheim 1961, NTNU UB photo archive

ARK4 is now in its second phase with external financing from the National library of Oslo.

Our collaborators in ARK4 from Athena Digital Curation Unit  Digital Curation Unit, «Athena» Research Centre decided to celebrate ‪#‎WorldBookDay by creating a quiz on Children’s Books using free content from Europeana.eu!

Take the quiz here 


ARK4 wants to create a virtual dialogue between the public and institutions involved in the project through gaming activities. In its new phase, the project aims in re-using digital content from the Cultural Heritage sector, mainly deriving from Europeana, to reach a wider audience through knowledge testing games. ARK4 is a project-collaboration among four institutions in Trondheim: NTNU University Library; NTNU Department of Computer and Information Science (IDI); Regional State Archives in Trondheim and Norwegian Deaf Museum and an international partner: Athena Digital Unit RC in Athens, Greece. During this collaboration, workshops were held focusing on introducing new technologies in teaching.

The technical responsibility for the quiz had Dimitris Gavrilis and Eleni Afiontzi (Athena RC) while the curation of the content was undertaken by Agiatis Benardou and Eliza Papaki (Athena RC).


More on ARK4: http://mubil.no/ark-4/


Arkeolog, sosialantropologi UBrss

Arkeologi og spill!



ARK4: Et interaktivt kulturbibliotek ved NTNU UB.

Kan spill støtte læring? Kan man lære mens man spiller? Pedagogene idag sier ja. NTNU UB har også fått midler til å teste ut om arkeologistudenter vil lære mer om arkeologi med å spille spill. ARK4 ønsker å skape en dialog mellom publikum og institusjonene som er involvert i prosjektet ved hjelp av teknologi vil vi formidle kunnskap om fortiden til et bredere publikum.

ARK4 var et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom fire institusjoner i Trondheim: NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket; NTNU Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap (IDI); Statsarkivet i Trondheim og Norsk Døvemuseum.

Det hFra boka til Adam Lonicer(1569), til et spillele startet med et pilotprosjekt der historiske bøker, gjenstander, kunst og arkivmateriale ble digitalisert og samlet på en høyoppløselig, digital plattform. Med dette som utgangspunkt skapte vi et spillkonsept for elever i ungdomsskole og videregående skole. Prosjektet startet i 2014 med eksterne midler fra Nasjonalbiblioteket i Oslo.

Fase 2:Nå skal ARK4 forsete videre med flere spill for universitetsstudenter i samarbeid med  IT forskningssenter og laboratoriet knyttet til det Greske universitetet i Athen, Hellas. Athena RS og vi skal jobbe sammen med Dimitris Gavrilis IT konsulent og Agiati Bernardou Phd i arkeologi. Prosjektleder fra NTNU UB er Alexandra Angeletaki. Vi skal eksperimentere med innhold om arkeologi som fag, kulturarven og kunnskapen rundt bestemte samlinger i Trondheim og Athen. Vi skal også samarbeide med «Europeana» og bruke en del av deres digitale samlinger. Målet med prosjektet er å utforske nye undervisningsmetoder og få innsikt i studentenes læreprosesser. Følgende spill er utviklet:


  1. Flora Danica (botanikk): Et spill med tegninger basert på et botanisk oppslagsverk utgitt i årene 1761-1883, fra NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket i Trondheims samlinger. Elevene lærer her om systematikk i botanikk og hvordan kan man skille mellom forskjellige plantekategorier.
  2. Museum på skjerm (historie): Et spill om norsk døvehistorie. Elevene lærer blant annet om opprettelsen av Norges første døveskole i Trondheim i 1825, om tegnspråk og tale-debatten og om kvinner i norsk døvehistorie. Innholdet kommer fra arkivene til Norsk Døvemuseum i Trondheim.
  3. Krigen og arkivene (lokalhistorie): Et spill som supplerer en workshop som tilbys av Statsarkivet i Trondheim. Elevene lærer å bruke arkivmateriale for å tilegne seg informasjon om annen verdenskrig. Spillet har bilder og arkivdokumenter fra Statsarkivet i Trondheim.
  4. Rødøyquizen og video (arkeologi): En videoproduksjon om historien til forsvarsmekanismer i middelalderen på Rødøya i Nordland, Nord-Norge i samarbeid med prosjektet “Opp i dagen”, som formidler historie og kultur fra Rødøya i Nordland. Lederen av prosjektet, arkeolog Anne Katrine Meland har jobbet med innholdet i quizen, video og tekstene mens tegningene er laget av arkeologen Kari Binns Støren.

Her kan man ta quizen om Rødøyas historie og arkeologi.

Prosjektet er finansiert av NTNU og Nasjonalbibliotekets prosjekt- og utviklingsmidler for nye formidlingsmetoder.




Arkeolog, sosialantropologi UBedu

Symposium in New Media,Technology, and the Humanities 14-15 March 2016, Trondheim, Norway


futururescapesbildeThe Faculty of the Humanities at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is pleased to announce a two-day Symposium in New Media,Technology, and the Humanities organized in connection with the Meta.Morf Art +Technology Biennale which is devoted to the technology of outer space and interstellar travel.

Read more here:http://typecraft.org/tc2wiki/Futurescapes

Futurescapes shares the Biennale’s interest in interplanetarity, time, and the cosmic beyond, and in humans who dream, invent, construct, and destroy their way into the future. Specifically, the Symposium will explore new locations and entanglements of the humanities and technology, and offer a place for diverse scholars and educators to showcase their cosmic or future-oriented work across disciplinary boundaries. But, we will also learn new methodologies and interrogate critically how and with what tools humanists and technologists communicate with each other, think big ideas, and make things. Finally, we want Futurescapes to address the ethical, legal, and political implications of such work, and how it bears on the futures of our diverse fields.

On the 14th of March 2016 you can book a room in the Gunnerus library in Kalvskinnet to showcase your project! Contact us in this mail Alexandra.angeletaki@ub.ntnu.no


Submissions of Abstracts & Proposals

We invite Paper or Mixed-Media Project Abstracts, Proposals for Mini Workshops, and Proposals for Lightning Shorts. Please email them together with 100-word bios stating your academic affiliation and research interests to futurescapes@hf.ntnu.no.

Abstracts of up to 500 words should be sent by November 30, 2015. Your presentations/talks should be no longer than 20 minutes and should acknowledge the interdisciplinary character of Futurescapes.

Proposals for Mini Workshops of up to 250 words should be sent by November 15, 2015. Your workshop proposals should introduce specific tools or interdisciplinary methodologies (for instance content and metadata annotation, data visualization/sonification tools, etc.) but also explain what kinds of research or pedagogical projects can be accomplished using these tools. Please be specific about the kinds of resources you will need to run your session.

Proposals for Lightning Shorts of up to 250 wordsshould be sent by November, 30 2015. Your Lightning Shorts micro talk/presentations (5-8 minutes) should introduce novel research, teaching, or digital humanities projects that sit at the intersections of new media, technology, science, and the humanities. PhD and MA students are particularly welcome to showcase their work.

Symposium Logistics

When: March 14-15, 2016 & Where: the Dragvoll Campus, KiT Gallery, The Gunnerus Archives, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.

(Note that the Biennale opens on March 12. If you are interested in attending its opening events, plan to arrive in Trondheim during the weekend.)

Day 1: March 14, 2016

Dragvoll, 9.30-15.00: Plenary talk by Kari Krauss; panel talks, lightning shorts

Gunnerus Library Archive, 16.00-18.00: 3D tour at the MuBil Laboratory led by Alexandra Angeletaki

Day 2: March 15, 2016

Dragvoll, 9.30- 17.00: Plenary talk by Tobias Blanke; training sessions; lightning shorts

KiT Gallery, 19.00: Concluding remarks & Meta.Morf/Futurescapes Farewell Social Mixer. Soundscapes constructed by Frank Ekeberg

More details coming soon.

Organizers, Sponsors, & Partners

Futurescapes is organized by Dorothee Beermann, Professor of Linguistics and Hanna Musiol, Associate Professor of English, in partnership with Kunstakademiet i Trondheim (KiT), Meta.Morf, and Trondheim Electronic Arts Center (TEKS).The event is supported by the Institute for Language and Literature, The Humanities Faculty at NTNU, and NTNU libraries, Gunnerus branch.

Arkeolog, sosialantropologi Konferanser

Dokumentering av truet kulturminner-seminar i Bergen 21. november

Exhibition at Gunnerus biblioteket

Bergen University and NTNU extends an invitation to a round-table seminar and invites archaeologists, students and scholars to participate.

Cultural Heritage in conflicts and Politics with professor Yiannis Hamilakis from Southampton university.

21.11.2015 11.00/16.00, Øysteingate 3, seminarom 1.

register here

Cultural heritage sites and Museums especially in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, are threatened by war, terrorism, climate change, earthquakes, floods, and other threats.  Gunnerus Library in Trondheim organized an exhibition on the subject in October in collaboration with Professor Emeritus, Lise Bender Jørgensen on Niniveh. Read more on that here .

Unesco (see the list of monuments in danger) has been working on the documentation and protection of these sites and has supported many regional initiatives and international teams to create awareness. Various initiatives around the world are now trying to work together in order to prevent illegal trafficking of  antiquities from monuments and archaeological sites threatened by war, climate and looting. ICOMOS and CYARK500 have established lately such an initiative, to launch a program for the emergency documentation of high risk cultural Heritage. The European Community supports many initiatives of such character, see Europeana, 3D icons, Lo-cloud, that is infrastructure projects of documentation and active participation of researchers, scholars and the general public in the protection of such sites. Interdisciplinary teams working on preservation of culture, ask society to participate actively in preserving cultural heritage creating a digital public space and allow political and social diversity to manifest itself. Such initiatives as for example  Heritage for Peace, or Medieval Sai Project or Project Mosul, try to create engagement around these monuments using emerging technology.

We as professionals need to participate in such actions and debates to create a public understanding of these threads and evocate action by the international citizen communities. We also need to inform and keep the memory of the monuments and sites lost to war alive.

Join us then in Bergen and discuss issues as the ethical dilemmas archaeologists face.

  1. How can we safeguard and promote Cultural Heritage as professionals caring more about dead heritage and forgotten ruins in the face of the human tragedies that are unfolding in these places?
  2. Can archaeology and archaeologists be a positive force of change?


Further Reading: Heritage Convention of Unseco

books: James Cuno, Who owns antiquity.

James Cuno, Whose Culture.

Yiannis Hamilakis, The Nation and its Ruins Antiquity, Archaeology, and National Imagination in Greece.





Arkeolog, sosialantropologi

Nye bøker i museumsvitenskap

Gunnerusbiblioteket har kjøpt inn en ny bokserie i museumsvitenskap. Serien heter «The International Handbooks of Museum Studies, og har følgende bind: 1: Museum Theory, 2: Museum Practice, 3: Museum Media og 4: Museum Transformations.  Du finner mer informasjon om serien i Oria.


Arkeolog, sosialantropologi

oria.no – biblioteket i ett søk

Universitetsbiblioteket har gått over til et nytt system for søk og bestilling av bøker, m.m. Det nye systemet heter Oria og du finner det ved å skrive oria.no eller gå inn på unversitetsbibliotekets hovedside.

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Oria erstatter BIBSYS ASK frå 15. november 2015
