Automation of report writing

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Started bachelor/master (1.-3. yr)
Started master (4.-5. yr)
Field of study
Computer Science and Information Technology
Master's thesis
Bachelor's thesis
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IT – Development and Design
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Automatic report writing for testing of digital archives


Alongside the merger of Oppland and Hedmark counties to Innlandet county earlier this year, the decision to gradually store current and future archives in most municipalities in the new county as well as the archives for the county itself has created an increasing backlog in the testing and depot of digital archives. This har been expatiated by various digitalization processes across the county.

Innlandet County Archives therefore require increased automatization in the form of an automatic and expandable report writing tool that can merge various test reports from internal tools.

Tools and language:

The reports are written by the following programs:

  • Arkade 5 (Tests the archive according to the Noark5 standard set by The National Archives of Norway)
  • Kost-Val (Tests the integrity of a variety of files including .pdf/a, .jpeg and .tif)
  • VeraPDF (Tests the integrity of .pdf/a files and finds other faults than Kost-Val)
  • BaseX (Runs XPath and XQuery on .xml files)

All programs have the ability to write their reports in .xml formats. Other formats are available.

An explanation for what each report contains and how to read them will be supplied.

The automatization tool can be written in any language on the condition it works offline, as it will be used on a secure server without Internet access. C#, C++ or Java are nonetheless preferred.

Other info:

A GUI is not required, but any use through the terminal must be comprehensible with help functions attached.

Windows compatibility is required, Linux (Ubuntu) compatibility is a bonus.

The report should be written in .odf (Open Document Format, the LibreOffice Writer standard file). Template and standard sentences will be provided.

Additionally, the tool must be easy to modify for future internal updates, both in terms of potential updates to the other test tools and to add more sentences based on conditional variables from these.

Applied Computer Science
Computer Science
Information Technology
Engineering and ICT