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Climate-KIC is EU's main climate innovation innitiative!

Our Ideation Day in January was a success, and it is time to repeat it on the 22nd of August in Aarhus, Denmark!

The purpose of the Ideation Day is to develop and nurture the Climate-KIC community in the Nordics. This is crucial to facilitate collaboration on innovative projects with large potential climate impact. 

The day provides an arena for you to develop your ideas, identify and team up with collaborators in the Climate-KIC community, and finally present in front of a jury. 

Limited awards (up to €20.000) will be available for consortia to support the further development of feasible ideas into full project proposals for future Climate-KIC or other project calls. 

We encourage participants to submit project ideas in advance, by 1 August 2017 at the latest. Ideas are submitted through this form and will be shared with the other participants prior to Ideation Day.

Please read more about the day on the event page and remember to sign up before 1 August! 

NTNU Bridge
Aarhus, Denmark