African studies Afrikastudier UBrss




Access to Research in the Developing World

For institutions in developing countries:

The Research4Life consortium provides access to eligible institutions through four subject-wise portals:

  • HINARI provides access to more than 5,500 journals in the health and social sciences;
  • AGORA provides access to some 1,200 journals in the agricultural sciences;
  • OARE provides access to more than 2,000 journals in the environmental sciences;
  • ARDI provides access to nearly 10,000 journals, books, and reference works for 107 developing countries.

Thanks to the consortium, journals listed on these sites that are not usually ‘open access’ are made available for free to eligible institutions.

samfunnsvitenskapelig social science UBrss

SSOAR-Social Science Open Access Repository


The full-text server SSOAR, which is maintained at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, collects and archives literature of relevance to the social sciences and makes it available in open access on the Internet in accordance with the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities.

environment Geografi Geography miljø UBrss

The Environment & Society Portal


The Environment & Society Portal is a gateway to open access resources on the human-environment relationship. Its content reflects research themes of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, its fellows, and partners. It addresses the community of teachers and researchers, as well as the interested public. Click here to learn more.

Cultural anthropology UBrss

Anthropology – Week 4: Anton Blok

Anton Blok, a dutch anthropologist, born in Amsterdam in 1935.

He is mostly known for his  studies on the Mafia in Sicily in the 1960s.


Anton Blok was a visiting professor at the University of Michigan (1972-1973) and University of California, Berkeley in 1988. He is a professor emeritus of cultural anthropology at the University of Amsterdam.

Some other publications by Anton Blok:

  • Honour and violence. Cambridge: Polity, 2001. ISBN 0-7456-0449-8
  • Anthropologische Perspektiven: Einführung, Kritik und Plädoyer. With Klaus Schomburg. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1995. ISBN 3-608-91725-X
Cultural anthropology Social anthropology Sosialantropologi UBrss

Alan Macfarlane: Interviews with Anthropologists


Interviews with Anthropologists is a collection of 91 interviews made by Alan Macfarlane between 1976 and 2010. Details of the full collection of anthropologist interviews can be browsed on DSpace@Cambridge by clicking here.

Interviews with Anthropologists is part of a wider collection of Film Interviews with Leading Thinkers, which can be found here.

Collection Details:

Collection: Interviews with Anthropologists
Collector: Alan Macfarlane
Date(s): 1976 – 2010
Language(s): English

Cultural anthropology Social anthropology Sosialantropologi UBedu UBrss

Anthropology – Week 3: A new anthropologist: Lars Krutak Tattoo Anthropologist

Lars Krutak received his Ph.D. at Arizona State University’s School of Human Evolution & Social Change in 2009. Since 2003, he has been studying the socioeconomic impacts of tourism and tourism promotion on indigenous Rarámuri (Tarahumara) arts and crafts vendors living in the Copper Canyon region of Mexico for his dissertation.

Krutak began tattoo research in 1996 as a graduate student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Trained as an archaeologist and cultural anthropologist, he spent three years exploring the complex symbolism and practice of tattooing throughout the Arctic.


Social anthropology Sosialantropologi Sosiologi UBedu UBrss

Anthropology -Week 2: A new anthropologist/sociologist

hekma-g_2Having my own anthropology background firmly planted in gender and sexuality studies I would this week like to present to you Gert Hekma. Gert Hekma teaches gay and lesbian studies in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the UvA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
His specialism is sociology and history of (homo) sexuality.





Geografi Geography UBrss

Geography-Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection

The PCL Map Collection includes more than 250,000 maps, yet less than 30% of the collection is currently online.

Support PCL:

Cultural anthropology Social anthropology Sosialantropologi Visual anthropology

Anthropology- One «new» anthropologist every week

Karen Nakamura2

Starting from today I will pick one anthropologist every week that interests me. This weeks pick is Karen Nakamura, just employed at The Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.

This is what she says about her self:

«I am a cultural and visual anthropologist whose research focuses on disability, sexuality, and minority social movements in contemporary Japan. My first book, Deaf in Japan, was on sign language, identity, and deaf social movements. I recently finished my second book, which is on schizophrenia and mental illness in Japan and is titled, A Disability of the Soul. For the past year, I’ve been working on my third project which explores the intersections of disability, gender, and sexuality.»

Social anthropology Sosialantropologi

Anthropology-Kunnskap:kaffe, Syrian and Lebanese food in Argentina today


From 11:30-12:00 NTNU, Biblioteket Dragvoll

Tanja Plasil, Research Assistant and Lorenzo Cañás Bottos, Associate Professor at Dept. of Social Sciences and Technology Management, NTNU will give a little talk  based on their 2014 ethnographic fieldwork in Argentina among descendants of Syrian and Lebanese immigrants in Argentina, they will examine some of the transformations in gastronomic practices.

Bring your lunch to the Dragvoll library – we will serve coffee and tea.