ARK4 is now in its second phase with external financing from the National library of Oslo.
Our collaborators in ARK4 from Athena Digital Curation Unit Digital Curation Unit, «Athena» Research Centre decided to celebrate #WorldBookDay by creating a quiz on Children’s Books using free content from Europeana.eu!
ARK4 wants to create a virtual dialogue between the public and institutions involved in the project through gaming activities. In its new phase, the project aims in re-using digital content from the Cultural Heritage sector, mainly deriving from Europeana, to reach a wider audience through knowledge testing games. ARK4 is a project-collaboration among four institutions in Trondheim: NTNU University Library; NTNU Department of Computer and Information Science (IDI); Regional State Archives in Trondheim and Norwegian Deaf Museum and an international partner: Athena Digital Unit RC in Athens, Greece. During this collaboration, workshops were held focusing on introducing new technologies in teaching.
The technical responsibility for the quiz had Dimitris Gavrilis and Eleni Afiontzi (Athena RC) while the curation of the content was undertaken by Agiatis Benardou and Eliza Papaki (Athena RC).
More on ARK4: http://mubil.no/ark-4/
Alexandra Angeletaki is a classical archaeologist and has worked as a lecturer in archeology at NTNU since2001. For the last few years she has been involved in innovative dissemination DH projects and has worked with Museology and Digital Learning at NTNU University Library.
She is also responsible for library seminars and academic writing support for students in Kalvskinnet Campus.