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Testing av databasene Education Research Complete og Education Source i september og oktober

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Education Research sier dette om seg selv:

Education Research Complete covers the areas of curriculum instruction, administration, policy, funding and related social issues. Topics covered include all levels of education from early childhood tohighereducation and all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education and testing. This database also includes full text for books, monographs and numerous education-related conferencepapers.

Denne databasen inneholder blant annet mer enn 1300 tidsskrift, 530 bøker i fulltekst, conference papers og sammendrag fra mer enn 2400 tidsskrift.

Du finner lenke til databasen her: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&custid=ntnu&profile=ehost&defaultdb=ehh&groupid=main

Education Source sier dette om seg selv:The world’s largest and most complete collection of full-text education journals, Education Source provides scholarly research and information to meet the needs of education students, professionals, and policy makers. It covers all levels of education — from early childhood to higher education — as well as all educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education and testing.

Denne databasen inneholder blant annet fulltekst fra mer enn 2000 tidsskrift, sammendrag fra 3600 tidsskrift, samt fulltekst fra over 530 bøker. I tillegg conference papers og siteringer fra over 4 milioner artikler. Dekker områdene helt tilbake til 1880.

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