About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Etikk i praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics (EiP) is a scholarly journal of applied ethics and related political theory. EiP aims to create a broad-based and unique journal for Nordic research within ethics. The contributions may focus on ethical, political or social aspects of scientific and technological developments within different fields, research ethics, and normative power, democracy and culture analyses. The journal provides a meeting place for applied ethics, be it within biotechnology, research, primary and secondary education, childhood, the Internet, culture, nature, business life, sports, the media, medicine, politics or elsewhere.

Peer Review Process

Articles that are found promising will be subjected to review by independent expert peers (double-blind refereeing). The reviewers use 5 general criteria for evaluation in addition to specific expected qualities appropriate to the field or area the authors write about. The general evaluation criteria include: originality, contribution to knowledge in the field, clarity, adequate references, and overall quality of the article. The reviewers also write specific recommendations to the author and make a recommendations whether to accept the article for publication, do minor revisions, do major revisions, or reject the article.

It normally takes 4 weeks for peer reviewers to return their evaluation and the author will normally receive response within two months of submission.

Publication Frequency

Issues per year: 2 (May and November)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. No subscription fees are charged to readers.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

This policy applies only to authors whose papers have been already accepted for publication. To ensure the highest level of quality of its publications, the journal augments its very limited funding by charging authors of accepted papers (who have access to funding from their home institutions) an Article Processing Charge (APC) of NOK 6 500 to cover editorial costs. The APC may be waived (if limited funding permits) only if there is no possibility for the authors to receive funding from their home institution or university.

Sources of Support

NTNU Faculty of Humanities

Journal History

Etikk i praksis-Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics published its first issue on the 1st of November 2007 and was publicly launched on the 19th of November 2007 as a peer-reviewed research journal in applied ethics. The journal is a Nordic meeting point for applied ethics research in bioetechnology, research, youth, internet, culture, business, media, medicine, politcs and other areas.

The Editors have been using PKP`s Open Journal Systems (OJS) since the 7th of November 2014. Past issues were migrated to OJS on the 1st of January 2015. Since then the journal website is visited about 250 times daily and attracts an average of 80 unique visitors from more than 100 countries and territories around the world. The top 10 most popular articles have been viewed more than 900 times since these were published.

Articles published in Etikk i praksis are registered with CrossRef using unique DOIs. DOIs can be searched through CrossRef Text Query by copy-pasting references into the text query box. Complete XML metadata of an article can be retrieved from CorssRef via OpenURL by simply requesting for an API key and using this API key to replace the username:password and DOI fields in the query URL. Citation count appears as the value of 'fl_count='.

Articles that appear in the current issue back to 2010 are indexed in ISI Thomson Reuters (now Clarivate Analytics). See Web of Science to track citations since 2010. It takes about 3 months after publication in an issue for article information to be posted on Web of Science.

Google scholar track citations from 2007 up to the present. Click on the title links below to see google scholar's current citation listings for each article.

2007 Nr 1


Hva skal vi med etiske komiteer?

Det moralske grunnlaget for å vurdere samtykkekompetanse

Anvendt etik og forhandlet normdannelse

Moraliska räkenskaper – etik och praxis inom biomedicinsk forskning

Vitenskapelig usikkerhet – etiske utfordringer for forskning og forvaltning

2008 Nr 1

Teknologisk fravalg og tilvalg av fremtidig syke og funksjonshemmede

Beyond informed choice: Prenatal risk assessment, decision-making and trust 

Frykten for et samfunn uten Downs syndrom

Er seleksjon av døve eller hørende barn to sider av samme sak? En bioetisk argumentasjon basert på autentisitetsbetraktninger

2008 Nr 2
2009 Nr 1
2009 Nr 2

Kriser og etikk

Finanskrisas bakgrunn

Farlige forbindelser? En refleksjon over forholdet mellom teori, praksis og moralsk ansvarlighet i økonomifaget

Self-interest, deregulation and trust

På sviktende kunnskapsgrunnlag? Assistert befruktning for lesbiske par

Unjust noise

Tillitens mange ansikter

Deltagende overvågning og sociale fællesskaber på nettet

När vården flyttar hem till dig – den mobila vårdens etik

Fair unemployment compensation and the target for egalitarian concerns

Du er ikke en dings!

2011 Nr 1

A Nordic Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Ruggie Framework: Polycentric regulation and the implications for corporate social responsibility

Not your problem? Exploring the relationship between problem formulation and social responsibility

Changing the world through shareholder activism?

Investor responsibility and Norway’s Government Pension Fund – Global

Effektive representasjoner? Forventninger til og bekymringer for forskning på befruktede egg

2011 Nr 2

Profesjonsetiske utfordringer

Bør leger ha reservasjonsrett ved assistert befruktning?

Mellom samfunnsstrukturer og profesjon: om avgrensning, kultivering og premisser for adekvat skjønnsutøvelse i legerollen

PGD-ens paradokser

Norske kommuner i elektronisk utakt? Fra sosiale til geografiske digitale ulikheter

Den etiske dimension i undervisning – Om et grundtema hos Emmanuel Lévinas

Anerkjennelse og menneskeverdets forankring: Henimot en transnasjonal anerkjennelsespolitikk

2012 Nr 1

Mangfold og felles utfordringer i anvendt etikk

Betydelsen av historisk rättvisa efter kolonialismen

Den rettslige betydningen av yrkesetiske regler med utgangspunkt i lovfestede spesielle god skikk-regler

Marginalisation as a Possible Health Issue: an Exercise in Practice-Based Ethical Education

Ethical Navigation in Leadership Training

Organising Ethics: The Case of the Norwegian Army

2012 Nr 2

Irregulær migrasjon – etiske, rettslige og politiske dilemmaer

Uten lovlig opphold = uten rettigheter? Tilværelsen til migranter uten oppholdstillatelse i lys av normativ teori om rettferdighet

Asylbarn og menneskeverd: Etiske refleksjoner med utgangspunkt i erfaringer fra Helsesenteret for papirløse migranter

Papirløses rett til å søke arbeid. En konsekvensetisk vurdering

Legitimizing policies: How policy approaches to irregular migrants are formulated and legitimized in Scandinavia

Individuelt ansvar og sløvhet i profesjonsutøvelse

2013 Nr 1

Mat – teknologi, sikkerhet og rettferdighet

Household food waste in Nordic countries: Estimations and ethical implications

Introducing the new meat. Problems and prospects

Integration needs in assessments of nanotechnology in food and agriculture

Kampen om matfatet og matproduksjonen

Living with the extreme demand

Fair play i kroppsøvingsfaget i lys av aristotelisk dydsetikk

2013 Nr 2

Åpent nummer om surrogati, bioetikk, forskningsetikk og minoriteter

Bør man tillate at norske statsborgere benytter seg av surrogati i India?

Kristen bioetikk på defensiven

Informeret samtykke i kliniske forsøg: teknikaliteter, tillid og tætte relationer

Etikk på kollisjonskurs – når forvaltningsetikk og forskningsetikk møtes

Multiculturalism and legal autonomy for cultural minorities

2014 Nr 1

Temanummer om styring av naturressurser

Peoples’ right to self-determination and self-governance over natural resources: Possible and desirable?

Looking for sustainable solutions in salmon aquaculture

Governance of mineral resources: Towards the end of national states’ supremacy?

Retten til privathed i det danske sundhedsvæsen

Etiske utfordringer med non-invasive prenatale tester (NIPT)

2014 Nr 2

Temanummer om «etikkbølgen» i yrkesutdanning og -praksis

Professionernes etiske kerne

Lärares yrkesetiska dilemman och den ökande juridifieringen i Sverige

Etisk kompetanseheving i norske kommuner – hva er gjort, og hva har vært levedyktig over tid?

”Dic cur hic” – en kasuistisk forskningsetik

Fastlegers reservasjonsadgang – hyklersk eller velbegrunnet?

Obligations of poor countries in ensuring global justice: The case of Uganda

2015 Nr 1

The normative dimensions of new technologies

Identifying the normative challenges posed by technology’s ‘soft’ impacts

Why is integration so difficult? Shifting roles of ethics and three idioms for thinking about science, technology and society

Det monitorerede mig – empowerment eller patologisering?

Patent-holders on expert committees. Can there be a conflict of interest?

Surprising judgments about robot drivers: Experiments on rising expectations and blaming humans

Mixed views about radical life extension

The ethics of pedophilia

2015 Nr 2

Åpent nummer om profesjonsetikk

What is professional integrity?

Being a good spy: Legitimizing access to web-based observation

Hvor moralsk tenker fotballspillere? – en empirisk studie av toppfotball

Å leve et menneskeverdig liv - Martha Nussbaums globale helseetikk

Ethics and collective identity building: Scandinavian semicommunication and the possibilities of Philippine ethics

2016 Nr 1

Public domain and democracy in the digital age

Algorithmic regulation and the global default: Shifting norms in Internet technology

Law and algorithms in the public domain

Between 250 years of free information and 20 years of EU and Internet

Public domain as a master frame?

Defining the public domain in economic terms: Approaches and consequences for policy

Refleksjonsgrupper i etikk: «Pusterom» eller læringsarena?

The ethics of wild animal suffering

A self-defense guide against situational pressure in organizations

2016 Nr 2

Realizing global justice: Theory and practice

A non-ideal global basic structure

Compatriot partiality and cosmopolitan justice: Can we justify compatriot partiality within the cosmopolitan framework?

Should she be granted asylum? Examining the justifiability of the persecution criterion and nexus clause in asylum law

Lives rendered invisible: Bearing witness to human suffering

Climate change denial, freedom of speech and global justice

Er kliniske etikk-komiteer i den kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenesten bærekraftige?

Ethical implications of co-benefits rationale within climate change mitigation strategy

2017 Nr 1

Family Ethics

The moral status of the (nuclear) family

Who counts as a parent for the purposes of filial obligations?