Making Data Work: A Systematic Mapping of Collaborative Data Curation Practices


  • Nana Kwame Amagyei
  • Elena Parmiggiani
  • Babak Farshchian
  • Jostein Engesmo


A growing body of literature in Information Systems focuses on the collaborative data curation practices that support the use of novel technologies in the ongoing datafication of work and organizing. In this study, we map the practices and processes that help make data useful and meaningful so that organizations can take advantage of these technologies. We examine 54 empirical studies and focus on the individuals and groups that collaborate to make data useful and meaningful. We identify the following collaborative data curation practices: (i) engaging multiple users in cooperation, (ii) involving higher-level stakeholders, and (iii) using shared resources. We contribute to the IS literature by broadening the view of data curation as an organizational practice that requires the collective, situated, and ongoing engagement of multiple actors making flexible and interpretive decisions to identify and resolve challenges related to working with data.


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