Publications and Workshops

- Workshop for Steiner school classes in September 2014 with Flora Danica by Michail Giannakos, Ioannis Elefteriotis, Bjørn Sæther Irene M. Dominquez and Alexandra Angeletaki” in collaboration with Ringve historical garden and Steiner school teachers.
- ICM conference paper, 2015 How Space and Tool Availability Affect User Experience and Creativity in Interactive Surfaces?”. Michail Giannakos, Ioannis Elefteriotis.NTNU. IDI Corfu University
- Digital Humanities workshop, Trondheim November 2014, NTNU IDI Athena RC
- ARK4 workshop with NTNU collaborators and AThena RC collaborators in Trondheim November 2014.
- Researchers-night, Trondheim September 2014. Alexandra Angeletaki and Michail Giannakos.
- Deaf Museum Jubillee, Line Norsveen from Døvemuseet and Irene M. Dominquez from Namtaru creations.
- Digit woman meeting 8th of March 2015 in Trondheim, Alexandra Angeletaki and Irene M. Dominquez ” Where did the cable go?”
- Stavanger History-days conference, Line Norsveen from Døvemuseet June 2015.
- Workshop for Norwegian-speaking children in Athens Greece in collaboration with the Norwegian Embassy of Athens by Ioannis Elefteriotis, Gavriella Ppastefanou, Alexandra Angeletaki, Eliza Papaki and Agiati Benardou. June 2015
- Europeana meeting in London, Alexandra Angeletaki,NTNU UB July 2015.
- EAA conference: Glasgow, Alexandra Angeletaki, NTNU UB, Eliza Papaki Athena RC
- Workshop for school children in Mykonos.
- Workshop for PLU students at the Deaf Museum.
- The creative Museum, by Alexandra Angeletaki and Line Nordsveen.Case study MiST – ARK4 – (4) (002).docx
- Athens Science Festival ARK4 Demonstration booth presented by Athena RC
- DH2016 conference, poster and poster slam presented by Agiatis Benardou, Digital Gaming: The New Narrative of ARK4
- Hand on demonstration in Researchers night Trondheim 23rd September 2016, Alexandra Angeletaki
- Researchers night in Athens Greece, 30th of September by DCU.
- Euromed 2016 paper by A. Angeletaki, A. Bernadou, E. Papaki, N. Chatzidiakou.
From Europeana Research blog by Eliza Papaki and Digital Unit Athena RC.
Click and learn! Re-using Europeana content to support learning activities
Reuse of Europeana content for fun!
Pictures from Athens Science festival 2016
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