balearicus Caporiacco,
1950 |
Common names: No common name. All
Euscorpius were previously placed in the family Chactidae.
This species was formerly known as a subspecies of E.
carpathicus, E. carpathicus balearicus.Very recent (2001) DNA and alloenzym analysis
together with morphological investigations of the
Balearic populations of E. carpathicus revealed a significant difference from
other populations of E. carpathicus The
genetical difference between the Balearic populations and the others were large enough to justify
an elevation of the subspecies E. carpathicus balearicus to species status:
E. balearicus (Gantenbein, Soleglad & Fet, in print).
Distribution: Endemic to the Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Menorca, Cabrera, Ibiza & Formentera)
Habitat: Data on habitat are missing, but I expect this species resemble E. carpathicus in habitat choice.
Venom: Few medical data available, but data from
Italy suggest local effects only. Mildly venomous. Harmless scorpion,
which rarely will use its stinger.
Selected litterature:
Gantenbein, B., M. E. Soleglad & V. Fet. (in print). Euscorpius balearicus Caporiacco, stat. nov. (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae):
molecular (allozymes and mtDNA) and morphological evidence for an endemic Balearic Island species.
Org. Divers. Evol.
On the Internet:
Spanish site
A picture
Info about endemic invertebrates of the Balearic Islands.
identification key for Euscorpius
This species is small to medium sized (30 - 37 mm). Coloration is light brownish (actually some orange overtones
in some specimens) with little contrasting patterns. Metasoma reduced proportionally, and unusual large pedipalps
(compared to other populations of E. carpathicus).
the Euscorpius
identification key for more details.
This species is probably rare in captivity.
E. balearicus photo by Jan Ove Rein (C).