Page 9 - Strategi2011-2020Eng-web

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The Faculty’s mission in society is rooted in both the expecta-
tions placed on us by society and in the Faculty’s own understan-
ding of social responsibilities based on the Faculty’s distinctive
character, culture and professional viewpoints.
We know how to take care of our duties responsibly as custodi-
ans of culture and builders of society. Our expertise is important
in solving relevant social problems and to increase an under-
standing of architecture and art in society. Our academic range
gives the Faculty a special role in the development of interdis-
ciplinary teaching, research and artistic activities.
The Faculty’s mission is to educate architects, artists, planners,
facilities managers and real-estate developers with sound and
recognised knowledge and skills, based on ethical and democra-
tic values. We have a responsibility to empower our students
and to give them the best conditions for creating and managing
architecture, art, and environments of high quality. Students will
be able to interact with others and apply their knowledge and
skills to meet the relevant needs of society and the profession.
They will also use this to challenge established practices and to
create new opportunities for a better society.
Research and Artistic Practice
The Faculty’s research and artistic practice will create new
insights and knowledge to be incorporated into teaching and
practice. Through our academic diversity, connections to the
professions and interdisciplinary profile, we have extensive
contacts with society and other academic communities. We have
a special role in meeting national and global challenges with a
comprehensive and holistic approach. Our research and artistic
activities help us to maintain and manage architecture, art and
the environment associated with our cultural heritage. We also
have an important mission to discover, explore and create the
The Faculty’s activities will be based on innovation in teaching,
research, and in our artistic work. Our mission is to benefit from
the special characteristics of our Faculty to promote innovation
and generate new knowledge that supports sustainable produc-
tion and a competitive business sector. In our artistic activities,
we have a responsibility to create an environment that supports
innovation, tolerance and openness to new relationships and
Dissemination and Communication
The Faculty has a special responsibility to society, since ar-
chitecture, art and the environment help to convey social and
individual identity, culture and values. We have an important
mission to both make apparent and communicate our knowledge
and skills. We will engage in democratic discussion in society
through reflection and thought, especially when it comes to the
role our academic disciplines play. The distinctive character of
the Faculty, its involvement in society, creates special opportu-
nities for communication and influence, both internally within
the NTNU and in the private and public sectors or other political
Mission in Society