Stikkord: Center for Health Promotion Research

  • New Stipendiat Position

    The Centers Kjersti Grønning has been awarded a PhD-stipendiat position from The Norwegian Nursing Association (Norsk Sykepleierforbund) to run the project «Insights into improving evidence-based-practice in health care services: involving undergraduate nursing students in clinical research settings (INSIGHT)». Congratulations! The project is based on a previous research application by Kjersti, Beate André and Geir Arild Espnes.…

  • Thank you to Professor Don Byrne

    On Friday June 1st, Dr HC at NTNU and Emeritus Professor Don Byrne at Australian National University (ANU) was greatfully thanked for its long lasting membership of NTNU Center for Health Promotion Research’s advisory board. The Selbu-mittens in the picture are still connected, symbolizing the close relationship between ANU and the NTNU Center for Health…