20. University of Jyvaskyla (JyU)

The University of Jyväskylä is a rapidly growing multidisciplinary university which was  established in 1934 as Jyväskylä College of Education.  Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Sport and Health Sciences and Teacher Education form the core fields of research and education of the University of Jyväskylä.  The University has seven  faculties including the faculty of Information Technology and the faculty of Sport and Health Sciences which is the only one in Finland. The University of Jyväskylä is one of the largest, most attractive and dynamic research-universities in Finland, with over  16 000 students, including international students from some 70 countries.  Our highly valued international partner universities are located on all continents.  At the moment we have about thirty ongoing EU Framework Programme projects.  As a  multidisciplinary organisation, the University of Jyväskylä has a strong commitment to develop human-oriented approaches to future technologies.  The University is also known for its active role in developing innovations in education and research,  especially in collaboration with business and commerce, and other actors of the region.  Agora Centre, Nanoscience Centre, Viveca and the Accelerator Laboratory bring together experts from research and enterprises.   We have experience in research in teacher students' and in-service teachers' interaction with the students via talk.  In our teacher education courses we have  developed methods for analysing time-content-based  description of classroom discourse, especially concentrating on the continuity of discourse.  We have also developed and evaluated new evidence-based teaching materials for use in normal  school contexts.  Task allocation The Department of Teacher Education at JYU will mainly be involved in the  relationship of innovative methods and  professional development within WP6.  Staff members who will be undertaking the work:     Jouni Viiri, Ph.D., Prof, is a professor in mathematics and science education at the Department of Teacher education in JYU. He has thirty years experience in teaching at various schools, text book writing and research in science education. He  has also considerable experience in teacher education and supervision of PhD students.    Ilkka Ratinen, Ph.D., Lecturer, is a lecturer in science education at JYU. His  main research interest is in environmental and geography education. He has experience in initial teacher education and also in-service teacher education.   Indicative Allocation of Person-Months: JyU name  role  PM (total 9)  Jouni Viiri  WP6c/d - leader for JyU  2 Ilkka Ratinen  Assistant leader JyU,  production of 6.5, 6.6 in collaboration with MDU/UNIVLEEDS  4.5  PhD student  Production assistant  2.5