{table-cell:class=sidespalterTd1}WP4c: DVD of case study materials on teacher collaboration in IBST/E  This sub-package is led by CNRS and UPMF. The DVD is planned for M18. It addresses the interactions amongst teachers & between new teachers, mentors and teacher educators. The material will be collected in science teacher education  sequences and in school during pre-service placements & the induction year. The intended audience is new teachers, mentors, teacher educators and local authorities. The language used by the DVD is French. (product 4.3)  The DVD will  include video material from [Pairform@nce|http://www.educnet.education.fr/en/training/new-training]
{table-cell}see the [DVD presentation]<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 	--SeeĀ 
