
Her er dokumenter fra dagens infomøte:

Essay presentations

Please note that we have a meeting next week to present the essays. The presentation will count for 20%. The deadline for the final version of the essay is 30. November.

You can find a template here.

Format for the essay

For the final version of your essay we assume that you use IEEE format, and that the text is maximum four pages excluding references. You can find a World template in the Wikipedia link here.

I noticed that I had not uploaded the presentation to the site. Sorry for this. You can find the presentation in the files section under Public. Here is a link: TDT11-Oppstartsmote-2022.pdf

The presentations will be on November 16, 14.15 at room 242 IT-V

Please note that I decided to move the deadline from October 4 to October 11 to give you some more time to work on the draft.

Tirsdag 7. september kl. 15.15.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 936 6380 0883
Passcode: 381628

Mandagens leveranse

For mandagen kan dere skrive en epost til meg om hvordan du ser for deg essay skal se ut, hva du har tenkt å bruk som underlag (litteratur, nyheter osv.), litt om tematikken og hvordan du vil vinkle dette inn som en public sector digitalization problematikk.

For tirsdagen vil du få anledning til å presentere dette, enten muntlig eller med PPT. Du velger!

Finner du under file list.

New Covid-9 regulations published today. This means we go for digital.

We start 14:15.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 919 4469 5601

Passcode: 244122

Course is full!

It seems like we already have six students assigned to the course. If you are interested please contact Babak directly and we can see if the course is relevant for you.

We will have a first information meeting the coming Wednesday. Location (physical or digital) will be announced when I know how many we are.

Course pages updated

I have added a description of learning goals and activities, deliverable, and a proposed reading list.