Meeting 04.12.2020
- David, Hall, Harigaya: Dark Matter Detection, Standard Model Parameters, and Intermediate Scale Supersymmetry, presented by Michael
- Adhikari, Andersen, MM: Condensates and pressure of two-flavor chiral perturbation theory at nonzero isospin and temperature, presented by Martin
- Cook: ACRONYM: Acronym CReatiON for You and Me (see also Dumb Or Overly Forced Astronomical Acronyms Site (or DOOFAAS)), presented by Jonas
Meeting 27.11.2020
- Dvornikov and Semikoz: Evolution of axions in the presence of primordial magnetic fields, presented by Jonas
- Völkel et al.: EHT tests of the strong-field regime of General Relativity, presented by Michael
- Duch, Duetsch and Gracia-Bondia: Diphoton decay of the higgs from the Epstein--Glaser viewpoint
Meeting 6.11.2020
- Harnik et al.: Millicharged Cosmic Rays and Low Recoil Detectors, presented by Jonas
- Nieder et al.: Discovery of a Gamma-ray Black Widow Pulsar by GPU-accelerated Einstein@Home, Presented by Manu
- Cheung, Mangan: Scattering Amplitudes and the Navier-Stokes Equation, presented by Michael
Live and Zoom Meeting 16.10.2020
- Holstein, Donoghue: Classical Physics and Quantum Loops, presented by Magnus
- Gaebel et al.: Understanding the energy dependence of B2 in heavy ion collisions: Interplay of volume and space-momentum correlations, presented by Jonas
- Linares, Kachelriess: Cosmic ray positrons from compact binary millisecond pulsars, presented by Michael
Meeting 2.10.2020
- Mastichiadis, Petropoulou: Hadronic X-ray Flares from Blazars, presented by Foteini
- Murgia et al.: The early dark energy resolution to the Hubble tension in light of weak lensing surveys and lensing anomalies, presented by Jonas
- Evoli et al.: Signature of Energy Losses on the Cosmic Ray Electron Spectrum, presented by Michael
Live and Zoom Meeting 25.9.2020
- Plestid et al.: New Constraints on Millicharged Particles from Cosmic-ray Production, presented by Jonas
- Kun et al.: Neutrino emission during the γ-suppressed state of blazars, presented by Foteini
- Greaves et al.: Phosphine gas in the cloud decks of Venus, presented by Manu
Meeting 18.9.2020
- Green, Porto: Signals of a Quantum Universe, presented by Magdalena
- Metzger, Fang, Margalit: Neutrino Counterparts of Fast Radio Bursts, presented by Foteini
- Senno, Murase, Meszaros: Choked Jets and Low-Luminosity Gamma-Ray Bursts as Hidden Neutrino Sources, presented by Jonas
- Jedamzik, Pogosian: Relieving the Hubble tension with primordial magnetic fields, presented by Michael
Live and Zoom Meeting 11.9.2020
- Alvey, Escudero: The Axion Quality Problem: Global Symmetry Breaking and Wormholes, presented by Michael
- Rodrigues et al.: Multi-wavelength and neutrino emission from blazar PKS 1502+106, presented by Foteini
- McDonald, Ventura: Bending of light in axion backgrounds, presented by Jonas
Live and Zoom Meeting 4.9.2020
- Sakstein et al.: Beyond the Standard Model Explanations of GW190521, presented by Michael
- Shukla et al.: Large-scale Simulations of Antihelium Production in Cosmic-ray Interactions, presented by Jonas
Meeting 28.8.2020
- Yuan, Murase, Kimura, Mészáros: High-energy neutrino emission subsequent to gravitational wave radiation from supermassive black hole mergers, presented by Foteini
- Kachelriess, Martinez: Searching for primordial helical magnetic fields, presented by Michael
- Fujita et al.: Probing Axion-like Particles via CMB Polarization, presented by Jonas
Live and Zoom Meeting 21.8.2020
- Auger, Features of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays above 2.5×10182.5{\times} 10^{18}2.5×1018 eV using the Pierre Auger Observatory, presented by Michael U
- LIGO and VIRGO, GW190814: Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 23 Solar Mass Black Hole with a 2.6 Solar Mass Compact Object, presented by Manu
- Zirakashvili, Ptuskin, Type IIn supernovae as sources of high energy astrophysical neutrinos, presented by Jonas
Live and Zoom Meeting 19.6.2020
- HESS: Resolving acceleration to very high energies along the jet of Centaurus A, presented by Foteini
- MK, JT: Reacceleration of charged dark matter, presented by Jonas
- Kannike et al.: Dark Matter and the XENON1T electron recoil excess, presented by Michael
- Feynman: Lectures on strong interactions, presented by Michael
Zoom Meeting 12.6.2020
- Lang, Taylor, Ahlers, de Souza: Revisiting the distance to the nearest UHECR source: Effects of extra-galactic magnetic fields, presented by Foteini
- Sun, Ko, Dönigus: Suppression of light nuclei production in collisions of small systems at the Large Hadron Collider, presented by Jonas
- ?
Live and Zoom Meeting 5.6.2020
- Samuelsson, Bégué, Ryde, Pe'er, Murase: Constraining Low-luminosity Gamma-Ray Bursts as Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Ray Sources Using GRB 060218 as a Proxy, presented by Foteini
- ALICE collab.: (Anti-)Deuteron production in pp collisions at \sqrt{s}=13 TeV, presented by Jonas
- Durrive, Lesaffre, Ferrière: Magnetic fields from Multiplicative Chaos, presented by Michael
Live and Zoom Meeting 29.5.2020
Intro into FRBs by Manu: review by Petroff, Hessels, Lorimer, Fast Radio Bursts + "A bright millisecond-duration radio burst from a Galactic magnetar"
- Dierigl, Dvali, Entropy Constraints on High Spin Particles, presented by Jonas
- Asplund, Jóhannesson, Brandenburg, On the measurement of handedness in Fermi Large Area Telescope data, presented by Michael
Zoom Meeting 15.5.2020
- Stein, van Velzen et al., A high-energy neutrino coincident with a tidal disruption event, presented by Foteini
- Heisig, Korsmeier, Winkler, Dark matter or correlated errors? Systematics of the AMS-02 antiproton excess, presented by Jonas
- Dvali, Kehagias, Riotto, Inflation and Decoupling presented, by Michael
Zoom Meeting 8.5.2020
- Harding, Muslimov, Pulsar Pair Cascades in Magnetic Fields with Offset Polar Caps, presented by Manu
- Lenz, The Ratio of Proton and Electron Masses, presented by Jonas
- Rodrigues et al., Blazar origin of the UHECRs and perspectives for the detection of astrophysical source neutrinos at EeV energies, presented by Foteini
- Hoang, What is the top quark mass? presented by Michael
Zoom Meeting 18.4.2020
- Edge collaboration, An absorption profile centred at 78 megahertz in the sky-averaged spectrum, presented by Jonas
- Abazajian, Sterile neutrinos in cosmology, presented by Magnus
- Dessert, Rodd, Safdi, The dark matter interpretation of the 3.5-keV line is inconsistent with blank-sky observations, presented by Michael
Zoom Meeting 3.4.2020:
- Blasi, Amato, Serpico, Spectral breaks as a signature of cosmic ray induced turbulence in the Galaxy, presented by Jonas
- Di Valentino, Melchiorri, Silk, Cosmic Discordance: Planck and luminosity distance data exclude LCDM, presented by Michael
Meeting 13.3.2020: – cancelled -
Meeting 18.2.2020:
- Venter et al., Cosmic-ray positrons from millisecond pulsars, presented by Manu
- Bauer, Foldenauer, Jaeckl, Hunting All the Hidden Photons, presented by Magnus
- Dunsky, Hall, Harigaya, CHAMP Cosmic Rays, presented by Jonas
Meeting 31.1.2020:
- Senjanović, Natural Philosophy versus Philosophy of Naturalness, presented by Jonas
- MAGIC, Bounds on Lorentz invariance violation from MAGIC observation of GRB 190114C, presented by Michael
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