
Enhanced Oil Recovery

Start: 13.11.2017
Søknadsfrist: 15.08.2017

Sted for samlinger: Trondheim

Pris: 18000 Kr
Studiepoeng: 7,5
Emnekode: PG6005

Kurset er avlyst.

The participants obtain sufficient knowledge of challenging forces and processes within the reservoir. This knowledge will form the building blocks to be able to understand synthesize and evaluate different approaches of how to get more hydrocarbons out of a specific reservoir type.


Ansatte i petroleumsbransjen.


The subject is enhanced oil recovery (EOR) used to improve recovery beyond that expected by pressure depletion. Water injection, hydrocarbon (HC) gas injection, and combined water/gas injection (WAG) are the most common EOR methods used in the industry today. Other EOR methods (typically more expensive and technically more complicated) covered are non-hydrocarbon (CO2 and N2) injection, compositional effects e.g vaporization, and developed miscibility, both in conventional reservoirs and naturally fractured reservoirs. The course will primarily consider reservoir aspects of EOR methods using HC gas and water injection. Key parameters include microscopic (pore-level) recovery, areal and vertical sweep efficiency. Variations in reservoir rock – i.e. heterogeneities – and fluid property variations with depth can have a strong influence on the success of EOR methods. Therefore we will concentrate on accurate geologic and fluid description and its influence on recovery.

The course can be part of NTNU's Master of Science in Oil and Gas Technology.


Ingeniør/bachelor innen tekniske fag.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

Relevant erfaring fra olje- og gassindustrien.

Undervisning, eksamen og pensum

Tid og sted for undervisning

Location and date

Two compulsory sessions in Trondheim:

First session: November 13 - 15, 2017

Secon session: December 11 - 13, 2017


Særskilte krav til utstyr og dataverktøy



Written home exam. Timeframe is 24 hours (for expected work extent of 6 hours. All written remedies and all types of calculators are permitted

Eksamenskrav: Innlevering godkjenning av øvinger.


1. Compendium
2. F. Jahn, M. Cook and M. Graham; Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production, Developments in Petroleum Science 46, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2008.
Curriculum will be specified.

Annen informasjon

Klikk her for praktisk informasjon som gjelder dette kurset
The course will be lectured in English.


Pris: 18000 Kr

I kursavgiften inngår
  • Undervisning på alle samlinger
  • Kaffe, lunsj og forfriskninger på samlingene
  • Tilgang til elektroniske læremidler på internett
  • Veiledning og tilbakemelding på oppgaver og øvinger
  • Sensur av eksamen og karakterutskrift


Ole Torsæter, Professor, Institutt for geovitenskap og petroleum
Epost: ole.torsaeter@ntnu.no


Marit Kvidal, NTNU VIDERE
Telefon: 73 59 52 60
Epost: videre@ntnu.no

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