
Basic Course in Petroleum Geology and Engineering

Foto: Harald Pettersen, Statoil

Start: 11.09.2017
Søknadsfrist: 15.08.2017

Pris: 18000 Kr
Studiepoeng: 7,5
Emnekode: PG6000

Kurset er avlyst.

The participants obtain sufficient knowledge within geology, drilling, production and reservoir engineering to be able to understand e.g. the choice of wellbore path (vs. geology) and to e.g. suggest further investigations to clarify critical issues revealed by you as an alert collaborator in the ongoing operation.


Ansatte i petroleumsbransjen.


Oil & gas processes are initiated by the deposition of sediments, including source rocks and the process of trapping the slowly migrating oil. Drilling into the reservoirs requires deviated wellbores and methods to ensure safe handling of the pressures in the overburden. To ensure safe drilling operations, inhibitive drilling fluids must be suggested and kicks must be avoided or eventually properly handled. The production of reservoir depends largely of the reservoir’s capillary pressure and its fluid properties, and on the production equipment and production methods. Processing of the hydro carbons on the platform concludes the course.

The course can be part of NTNU's Master of Science in Oil and Gas Technology.


Ingeniør-/bachelorgrad i tekniske fag.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

Relevant erfaring fra olje- og gassindustrien.

Undervisning, eksamen og pensum

Tid og sted for undervisning

Location and date

Two compulsory sessions in Trondheim

First session: September 11 - 13, 2017

Second session: October 2 - 4, 2017

The course will be lectured in English.

Særskilte krav til utstyr og dataverktøy



Written home exam November 11. Time frame is 24 hours (for expected work extent of 6 hours). All written remedies and all types of calculators are permitted.

Eksamenskrav: Innlevering og godkjenning av øvinger.


to be announced.

Annen informasjon

Klikk her for praktisk informasjon som gjelder dette kurset
The course will be lectured in English.


Pål Skalle, Professor, Institutt for geovitenskap og petroleum
Epost: pal.skalle@ntnu.no


Marit Kvidal, NTNU VIDERE
Telefon: 73 59 52 60
Epost: videre@ntnu.no

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