NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Ansvarlig redaktør: Informasjonsdirektør
Anne Katharine Dahl

Jan Erik Kaarø

Teknisk ansvarlig: 
Even Gran


Stewart’s corner:

Words about books

Are you a bibliophage? (pronounced "fayj" at the end), if so, this means that you devour books and are a keen reader or bookworm. Here are some other words for book-lovers and a few for book-haters:

Bibliophile (pronounced "fil" at the end) means a person who is either a collector or a lover of books. If this becomes a passion, one may suffer from bibliomania and even become a bibliomaniac, a passionate collector or possessor of books. If you can never sell a book and your library overflows into the hall and bedroom you may be a bibliotaph (pronounced "taf" at the end), this means someone who hoards books. Another term is biblioklept, meaning a person who steals books. If someone is a bibliolater (pronounced "leiter" at the end), this either means a person who is devoted to all types of books, or just the Bible. Informal alternatives to the latter are bible-puncher or bible-basher.

If, on the other hand, you prefer a paperless society and hate books, one term is bibliophobe (pronounced "foab" at the end). If you go even further and physically attack books, you are a biblioclast - a person who destroys, cuts up or mutilates books.

Tricky words

interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, cross-disciplinary

Interdisciplinary (Norw. tverrfaglig) refers to the involvement or combination of two or more academic disciplines in a common approach or issue. The environmental energy specialization at NTNU combines mechanical engineering and electrical engineering in an interdisciplinary programme.

Multidisciplinary (Norw. tverrfaglig) refers to the involvement or combination of more than two academic disciplines in a common approach or issue. A search on the Internet using FAST found that "interdisciplinary research" has almost four times higher frequency than "multidisciplinary research".

Cross-disciplinary (Norw. tverrfaglig) relates to the involvement of two or more academic disciplines. A key distinction between this term and the other two is the degree of involvement. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary cooperation normally mean more formalized involvement than cross-disciplinary cooperation. A search on the Internet using FAST found that "centre/center for interdisciplinary" had over 3 000 hits, "centre/center for multidisciplinary" had over 500 hits and "centre/center for cross-disciplinary" had about 60 hits. While there were almost 5 000 hits on "journal of interdisciplinary", "journal of cross-disciplinary" only had two hits.

sweat, perspire

Sweat (Norw. svette) refers to moisture passing through the pores of the skin, usually in large quantities. Note that beads of sweat mean the same as the Norw. svetteperler and "pearls of sweat" is a classic of Norwenglish. Sweat is often combined with other words in informal expressions like no sweat, meaning there is no problem: "Can you get this done by six?" - "Yes, no sweat". If you sweat blood, this means you work very hard and a sweatshop is a workshop or factory where manual workers receive very low wages, this is also called sweated labour (Norw. arbeid på sultelønn).

Perspire (Norw. svette) refers to sweat, usually in minor quantities. Note that if perspire is used with terms such as heavy: "He was perspiring heavily", it comes close to sweating. Another difference is that perspire is often said to be a more polite word to use than sweat. Also, if you say the President was perspiring under the TV-camera lights, this may be because the lights were too close. If you say that he was sweating, people may conclude that he was ill, frightened or had been jogging.

Enlightening English

"Waitress required for breakfast" (French café notice)

"Teppan Yaki - before your cooked right eyes" (Menu in Japan)

"Vegitational beef soap" (Menu in Brazil)

"Deep fried pork in sweat and sour sauce" (Tempting take-away dish near Bakke Bru, Trondheim)

Spørsmål angående engelsk kan stilles til språkrådgiver Stewart Clark ved Studieavdelingen, e-post: stewart.clark@adm.ntnu.no, tlf. 73 59 52 45, faks: 73 59 52 37