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CenSES annual report 2011
Eskeland G. S., Klimaforum, Hva hvis klimapolitikk er ledelse?, Litteraturhuset Oslo, 11.10.11
Espegren K. A., Energisystem i endring? Utvikling av langsiktige modeller for energisystemet, Energi Norge FoU årsforum, Oslo,
Fodstad M., Presentation of infrastructure research at NTNU and SINTEF, European Energy modelling forum, Potsdam, Ger-
many, November 2011.
Gjefsen M. D., How do environmental organizations talk about the uncertainties of CCS? Or: From local interventions to gen-
eral principles. Annual Meeting o f the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), 02.-05.11.11
Gjerald O.I., From business idea to license approval for Norwegian wind power projects, International Energy Agency (IEA);
Social Acceptance of Wind Energy, Trondheim, 15.10.11
Gjerald, O.I, Frå forretningsidé til konsesjonsgodkjenning for norske vindkraftprosjekt, Vestlandsforsking, 14.03.11
Hansen, G. H., JRC project proposals: Analyzing the Chinese turbine industry and the encounter between Chinese and Norwe-
gian actors. Shanghai Jiaotong-NTNU JRC workshop, Trondheim, 20.09.11
Hansen, G. H., Offshore vind – et aktørperspektiv. Offshore Vind Konsensusworkshop, 12.04.11
Hansen, G. H., The adventure in-between – social acceptance of offshore wind in Norway. IEA Task 28: Norwegian expert day,
Hansen, G. H., The adventure in-between – the making of offshore wind in Norway (and China). NTNU Japan Seminar: Renew-
ables and Energy Security in Japan, East-Asia and Norway, 10.11.11
Holden E., Fornybar energi: mer eller mindre bærekraftig utvikling?, Exploring Sustainability, Norsk Geografisk Selskap, Losby
gods, 21.01.11
Holden, E., Fornybar energi og mediastrategi, Medieseminar Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane, Sogndal, 08.03.11
Lagesen V.A., Consulting engineers as transition actors?, Annual Meeting Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S), Cleve-
land, 02.11.11 - 05.11.11
Midthun K., Fodstad M., Hellemo L., Werner A., Tomasgard A., Natural gas infrastructure design with a production perspective,
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North-Carolina, USA, 15.11.11.
Midthun K., Hellemo L., Werner A., Tomasgard A., Perez-Valdes, G., Ramona Infrastrucutre: A multi horizon stochastic program-
ming investment model, 2nd Trondheim Gas Technology Conference, Trondheim, 03.11.11.
Nielsen M. B., A multi-stage stochastic programming approach to power system expansion planning, OR2011, Zurich, 2011.
Perez-Valdes, G., Parallelized Branch and Fix Coordination on Energy System Investment Problems – Talk at INFORMS Annual
Meeting. Charlotte, NC, USA. November 2011.
Reinertsen H., Fuelling global development: Norwegian efforts to translate and transfer petroleum technologies, experiences,
and expertise to the developing world. Holdt på konferansen “Conceptualizing the World”, UiO, 14.09.11
Ryghaug, M., Hansen, G. H., Skjølsvold, T. M., Sustainable energy innovations: the strategies of Gyro Gearloose. Society for So-
cial Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Cleveland (presentasjon, Marianne) 02.-05.11.11
Schumann D., Reiner D., Pietzner K,. et. al, Similarities and differences of simultaneous influences on risk perceptions of CCS
project proposals. The 6th Trondheim CCS Conference (TCCS-6), 2011-06-16.
Seljom P., Energisystemmodellering av Norge, CenSES lansering, Trondheim, 27.06.11
Skar C., A Multi-stage Stochastic Programming Approach to Power System Expansion Planning INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Charlotte, NC, USA, November 2011.
Steen, M., Hansen, G. H., Same sea, different ponds. The emergence of offshore wind in the North Sea. Annual meeting of the
Association of American Geographers (AAG), Seattle (presentasjon, Markus), 12.-16.04.11
Swensen, E., 2011, Kapittel 1: Informasjon til befolkningen, I: Statusrapport for norsk klimapolitikk 2011, BI, s. 15-20.