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CenSES annual report 2011
- Norway as a green battery for Europe
- The role of natural gas: Transition fuel or long-
term solution?
- Electricity and transport: Increased burden or
joint benefits?
- Energy technology and technology transfer –
a commercial opportunity and an instrument in
climate policy?
FME Innovation forum
In 2010 CenSES established FME Innovation Forum
in cooperation between the FME´s, Innovation Nor-
way and IntPow. The forum’s second meeting took
place in 2011. The purpose is to establish a joint
arena to:
- promote innovation and commercialization
- coordinate innovation activitities in the FMEs
- let parties from industry, academia and govern-
ment meet to address joint challenges or inter-
ests when it comes to innovation in the energy
So far 7 of the 8 existing technology oriented FMEs
has participated in the Innovation Forum meetings.
The forum is open for all organizations with an in-
terest in the topics described above.
In the last meeting Innovation Norway represented
with Bergny Irene Dahl and Marianne Tonnning Kin-
nari presented the current instruments existing in
the market to support energy related innovations
for companies.
Prof. Roger Sørheim at NTNU presented ideas about
an School of Entrepreneurship for PhD candidates.
The plan is that PhD candidates with a technology
theme in their PhD work, can participate in a train-
ing program focusing on entreprenurship. The pro-
gram will be split in 3 short blocks.
Tone Ibenholt from the Reseach Council presented
views on the objectives for innovation and value
creation in the FMEs.
CenSES opening conference
CenSES was celebrating its FME status by arrang-
ing a kikc-off conference in Trondheim in June. The
centre was formally opened by the minister of Pe-
troleum and Energy, Ola Borten Moe and Rector
Torbjørn Digernes from NTNU. Presentations were
given by Fritjof Unander from the Research Coun-
cil of Norway, Rector Jan Haaland from NHH, Trond
Jensen from Statnett, Eli Aamot from Statoil and
several of the researchers in the centre.
Ola Borten Moe said in his opening speech that he
expects that CenSES will perform independent and
fact based studies and provide knowledge relevant
for the users of the centre. He encouraged the re-
searchers to be more visible in the public debate
when energy and climate related topics are dis-
Division director Unander from the Research Coun-
cil emphasized the CenSES teams endurance when
it came to applying for FME status in two rounds
and the success of the CenSES team in ensuring ad-
dtional financing through the RENERGI program.
Annual conference
The yearly CenSES conference was arranged in Oslo
over two days in December with 70 participants.
Day 1 focused on the potential for renewable en-
ergy, challenges and possibilities for investments
in infrastructure and energy production and long
term energy scenarios. One example was Prof. Ed-
gar Hertwich who promoted a more holistic view on
the development of the energy system, recognizing
the need for drastic changes, not only marginal im-
provements. In the work on energy scenarios there
is a need to focus more on a sustainable develop-
ment path. Lasse Torgersen from Norsk Hydro dis-
cussed the future possibilities for energy intensive
industry in Norway.
On day 2 the focus was on developing user cases in
CenSES. The follwoing workshops were arranged:
- Energy efficiency improvements