Page 19 - Strategi2011-2020Eng-web

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The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art will be a visible
and important contributor to NTNU in terms of adaptation,
innovation and creativity.
The Faculty will excel both nationally and internationally in
several areas of innovation and creativity.
The Faculty will contribute to sustainable value creation
and societal development in partnership with the profes-
sion, public and private sectors and the community.
Our students and staff will take an active role in entrepre-
neurship, innovation and creativity.
Choices of direction
The Faculty will contribute to strengthening NTNU’s
expertise in innovation and exploit its focus on innovation
to development of knowledge in architecture, art, planning,
real estate development and facilities management.
We will encourage our students and staff to use the
contacts we have from artistic forums, the professions, the
construction industry and the public sector as partners for
experimentation and development.
We will facilitate innovation in our fields using NTNU sys-
tems and infrastructure.
We will develop incubator projects and establish good
forums for artistic development, prototype development
and full-scale testing.
We will help to develop new activity and communication
forums for innovation and professional development, with
particular focus on art and public space.
We will utilize our professional expertise and our networks
with common European research and innovation areas and
the EU’s cultural programme.
The Faculty is actively working to create forums for innovation and
creativity in Trondheim. The Faculty cooperates with the university
administration and local players to offer students physical premises
for entrepreneurship. Such cooperation creates the potential for
incubators and ”energy hubs” in Trondheim’s cultural scene and the
private sector. The Art Hall collaboration between the Faculty and
TrondheimMunicipality is a relevant example of this. The aim is to
establish a joint exhibition centre and development forum for the
city’s artistic and architectural community.
The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art has contributed to the
construction of modern Norway through its role in the development
of cities, towns, buildings and art.
To us, innovation means that existing and new ideas are transfor-
med and reformulated into unique works and solutions in new con-
texts. Innovation and creativity are an integral part of the Faculty’s
activities, both through the close link to our research and artistic
activities, and in the way that we view architectural and art projects
as genuine innovation in themselves.
Innovation is a prerequisite for art, in that it is based on recogni-
tion and it inspires creative thought processes and reflection. Art’s
contribution to society is not governed by its need to be useful. Art
contributes to innovation and openness to the unknown. It is espe-
cially important for the Faculty’s art community to view innovation in
the context of the development of forums for exhibition and dialogue
with other fields of knowledge.
The Faculty has a long tradition of entrepreneurship in that students
use real situations as a forum for experimentation, exploration and
influence. This happens at both the local and the global level. Many
of our staff members have been or are actively practising architects,
artists, planners, real estate developers and facilities managers.
New knowledge and new solutions are being tested in practice
through pilot projects, ”living labs”, and full-scale construction.
Cooperation with the profession, the construction industry and the
public sector is firmly embedded in this.
Innovation and creativity also create processes that help to empo-
wer our students and staff and to set in motion important change
and improvement processes in the profession and society.
NTNU is an innovative and creative university. The Faculty of Archi-
tecture and Fine Art has a particular responsibility to support this
and to provide additional breadth to the concepts of innovation and
creativity in NTNU’s strategies.
Innovation and creativity