
SPR2010 - Business and Management English

Om emnet


Vurderingsordning: Skriftlig og muntlig eksamen
Karakter: Bokstavkarakterer

Vurdering Vekting Varighet Delkarakter Hjelpemidler
Oral exam 20/100 15 minutter
Individual written assignment 15/100
Written exam 65/100 4 timer

Faglig innhold

This course will help you improve your oral and written English for use in business and management situations, whether you need to write e-mail, letters or reports, or make a PowerPoint presentation to an international audience where English is the common language

Writing and grammar: Sentence structure, paragraph construction, prepositions, punctuation and pronoun use, and other common problem areas for non-native speakers of English
Expanding business and management vocabulary
Presenting material orally in English - improving pronunciation, stress and intonation
Contemporary business communication
21st century business and management issues covering a wide range of current business and economic situations


- aqusition of business and specialist vocabulary and appropriate use in spoken and written language
- ability to write a range of business related correspondence
- ability to take part in English speaking meetings

- To successfully present in Englsh both written and spoken using a wide range of vocabulary and a high degree of grammatical accuracy

Læringsformer og aktiviteter

The course assumes students have a working knowledge of English, and will focus on improving written and oral skills by examining common problem areas for non-native speakers of English, including sentence structure, paragraph construction, prepositions, punctuation and pronoun use. Students will also build their business and management vocabulary through assigned readings and mandatory oral presentations. Readings will focus on contemporary business and management issues, such as the economic situation, management of a multi-national workforce, corporate social responsibility, globalization, new technology, adverstising, marketing, public relations, outsourcing and international supply chains. There will be take-home assignments to help students improve their written English skills, as well as in-class oral presentations for which students will be given written feedback from the instructor. All students must complete all assignments in order to take the examination.

Mer om vurdering

Students who want to improve their grade in a course based on several assessments, may re-take the individual component assessment.
For an new assessment in connection with a failing grade, the Faculty of Economics and Management has supplementary regulations.

Spesielle vilkår

Begrenset opptak til undervisning. For nærmere opplysninger:

Krever opptak til studieprogram:
Økonomi og administrasjon (ØABACHELOR)


Attendance will be limited. Admission requirements: The subject is available for students currently enrolled in the Bachelor programme Business Administration at NTNU Business School, and foreign exchange students at Faculty of Economics and Management.


New Business Matters by Mark Powell, Thompson ELT

Flere sider om emnet


Fakta om emnet

Versjon: A
Studiepoeng:  7.5 SP
Studienivå: Videregående emner, nivå II


Termin nr.: 1
Undervises:  HØST 2017
Spesiell frist for melding til undervisning: 01.06.2017

Termin nr.: 1
Undervises:  VÅR 2018
Spesiell frist for melding til undervisning: 01.01.2018

Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk


  • Økonomi og administrasjon
  • Marilyn Anne Benzing

Ansvarlig enhet
NTNU Handelshøyskolen


Vurderingsordning: Skriftlig og muntlig eksamen

Termin Statuskode Vurdering Vekting Hjelpemidler Dato Tid Eksamens- system Rom *
Høst ORD Individual written assignment 15/100


Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
Høst ORD Written exam 65/100 06.12.2017 09:00
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
Høst ORD Oral exam 20/100
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
Vår ORD Individual written assignment 15/100


Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
Vår ORD Written exam 65/100 30.05.2018 09:00
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
Vår ORD Oral exam 20/100
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
  • * Skriftlig eksamen plasseres på rom 3 dager før eksamensdato. Hvis mer enn ett rom er oppgitt, finner du ditt rom på Studentweb.

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