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Etikk i praksis. Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics (2015), 9 (1), 73–86
doi: 10.5324/eip.v9i1.1727

Surprising judgments about robot drivers: Experiments on rising expectations and blaming humans

Peter Danielson

W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics, School of Population & Public Health, University of British Columbia, Canada

Abstract: N-Reasons is an experimental Internet survey platform designed to enhance public participation in applied ethics and policy. N-Reasons encourages survey respondents to generate reasons to support their judgments, and groups to converge on a common set of reasons for and against various issues.  In the Robot Ethics Survey, some of the reasons included surprising judgments about autonomous machines. Participants gave unexpected answers when presented with a version of the trolley problem with an autonomous train as the agent, revealing high expectations for the autonomous machine and shifting blame from the automated device to the humans in the scenario. Further experiments with a standard pair of human-only trolley problems refine these results. Responses reflect high expectations even when no autonomous machine is involved, but human bystanders are only blamed in the machine case. A third experiment explicitly aimed at responsibility for driverless cars confirms our findings about shifting blame in the case of autonomous machine agents. We conclude methodologically that both sets of results point to the power of an experimental survey-based approach to public participation in exploring surprising assumptions and judgments in applied ethics. However, these results also support using caution when interpreting survey results in ethics and demonstrate the importance of qualitative data to provide greater context for evaluating judgments revealed by surveys. On the ethics side, the result about shifting blame to humans interacting with autonomous machines suggests caution about the unintended consequences of intuitive principles requiring human responsibility.

Keywords: autonomous machines, trolley problem, robot ethics, responsibility, survey methods


Theoretical Background
This article suggests that survey-based research holds great promise for ethics. In metaethics, survey and fMRI methods in moral psychology and experimental philosophy have supported new approaches to accounting for intuitive judgments in ethics (Greene, Sommerville, Nystrom, Darley, & Cohen, 2001; Greene, 2013; Mikhail, 2007; Hauser, 2006). In applied ethics, we have argued that surveys support a more democratic basis for ethical deliberation (Ahmad et al., 2006; Danielson, Ahmad, Bornik, Dowlatabadi, & Levy, 2007; Ahmad, Bailey, & Danielson, 2010). More modestly, our open-ended survey instrument allows exploratory access to moral judgments that might be ignored when we focus on debates between theoretically structured alternatives. Indeed, this is precisely what happened in the case reported in this paper. Our long-running Robot Ethics Survey included the Autonomous Train Dilemma, a robot version of the basic trolley problem (see Figure 1).  The scenario did not result in the expected distribution of judgments; it led instead to what we interpreted as protest “votes”. Some respondents explicitly rejected the question as having nothing to do with robot ethics, others chose the Neutral response to avoid the dilemma, and others gave extreme reasons for their choices.  In several papers, our team deemphasized this question (one of 9) in our analysis of robot ethics as seen through our survey (Danielson, 2011b; Moon, Danielson, & Van der Loos, 2012).

However, we should welcome surprising data, especially in ethics. In the present paper we argue that the unexpected participant judgments reveal important issues, methodologically about survey research and experimental scenarios in ethics, and ethically about introducing autonomous machines into our morally structured interactions.

Research Questions
The unanticipated responses to the Autonomous Train Dilemma led to the research questions that we explore in this paper. First, can we categorize the qualitative data provided by participants as interesting new reasons, or should we dismiss the Autonomous Train Dilemma as an unreliable stimulus? Second, given that the qualitative data reveals surprising new reasons, are these reasons unique to the robot agent case or are they also found in a second survey that explored the standard, human agent trolley problem? Third, having identified blaming human bystanders as a special problem for the robot agent case, we created a new question for the Robot Ethics Survey about an accidental death involving an automated vehicle. Would participants find humans responsible even in this new, more extreme case? We address these questions in Experiments 1 – 3, respectively. The larger research question is whether experimental survey research can contribute to our understanding of applied ethics.

Methodology used
The methodology we use to answer these questions is Internet-based survey research based on scenarios used in moral psychology and experimental philosophy. The first key innovation in our methods is to require participants to provide or select reasons for their answers, linking richer qualitative data to survey responses (Danielson, 2010). The second innovation is to use a constant survey framework for many groups and surveys, allowing us to compare responses of different groups and to new scenarios as we refine our research questions.


N-Reasons Survey Platform
The N-Reasons survey platform was designed to provide a bridge between clear, readily interpreted quantitative data and richer qualitative results. In particular, we can summarize and report groups’ decisions in broad normative categories (e.g. Yes, Neutral, No – see Figure 2) but we can also drill down into the various reasons that participants contribute to support their decisions – see Table 2 (Danielson, 2011a; Danielson, 2013).  By presenting participants with reasons combined with vote counts (see Appendix), our platform aims for the ideal normative procedural goal of reflective equilibrium, wherein each participant chooses their response in light of all other participants’ choices and reasons. Moving from the ideal to the feasible, we need to avoid the proliferation of qualitative data. First, participants can opt to concur with reasons contributed by other participants, rather than contributing new variations. By combining quantitative and qualitative data sources, we can examine the most popular reasons given by the 826 participants in the Robot Ethics Survey without the arduous and methodologically complex task of reading and classifying 826 comments for each question. For the Autonomous Train Dilemma, only 112 reasons attracted votes from participants other than their authors; this is an order of magnitude reduction in complexity. Second, we divide our participants into groups (mean size, 53), so a typical participant sees 4 – 6 ranked reasons on a page. This makes it feasible for a typical participant to read the more highly regarded reasons. (Contrast facing 20 – 40 unranked comments on a page.)

The Trolley Problem
We will focus on variations of the trolley problem (Foot, 1967; Thomson, 1985), because it is widely studied in experimental moral psychology (Greene et al., 2001; Green, 2013). Here are the two standard versions of the problem we used in Experiment 2, to be discussed below:
1.    Divert/Bystander: A runaway trolley is about to run over and kill five people, but a bystander who is standing on a footbridge can throw a switch that will turn the trolley onto a side track, where it will kill only one person.  Is it permissible to throw the switch?
2.    Footbridge: A runaway trolley is about to run over and kill five people, but a bystander who is standing on a footbridge can shove a man in front of the train, saving the five people but killing the man. Is it permissible to shove the man?

The basic result – the contrast between widespread judgments of permissibility for the Divert/Bystander case and impermissibility for the Footbridge case in spite of the similarity of outcomes – has been tested with a variety of instruments, including fMRI (Greene et al., 2001) and on-line surveys (Hauser, 2006; Mikhail, 2007).  Variations in the trolley problem are introduced to contrast characteristically consequentialist and characteristically deontological reasoning in philosophical ethics and cognitive and emotional modules in moral psychology1. In Experiment 1 we will vary the trolley problem in a different way, introducing a non-human robotic agent as decision maker.

Robot Ethics Survey
We first introduced a trolley problem in the Robot Ethics Survey, which covered the themes of robotics for war and peace, and robotics and animals. In a set of issues in the applied ethics of robotics, the trolley case stood out as the most philosophical. We introduced it to test our instrument on a widely studied problem.  Figure 1 illustrates the scenario for the Autonomous Train Dilemma as presented in the first Robot Ethics Survey. Participants were offered the alternatives of Yes, Neutral or No, and the chance to contribute and/or select reasons. (See Appendix.)
This robot variation of the trolley problem is a long-running exploration of qualitative reasons supporting decisions, and is the basis of Experiment 1. Second, one of our students launched an N-Reasons survey that posed the original (human) trolley problem as a question; Experiment 2 is based on the contrast of these two questions. Finally, we modified the Robot Ethics Survey to add a new question about responsibility (see Figure 3); this is Experiment 3.

Demographics of surveys
While sharing a common structure and interface, the surveys used for these experiments have run over six years and engaged three different kinds of demographic groups (see Table 1 for dates and sizes). Robot Ethics 1 was advertised on the Internet, attracting experts and lay groups interested in robotics, as well as those taking our other surveys on ethics and genomics and animal welfare. Robot Ethics 2 has been used in 13 university classes at the University of British Columbia, in Cognitive Systems, Computer Science, Applied Science, and Ethics and Science courses. In both versions, the demographics were similar (e.g. there were more men than women, mostly from Canada and the U.S.), but the second had a narrower range of ages (almost all 19 – 29, while only about half of the respondents in the first version fell into this range) and education (almost all College level, while the first version had more highly educated participants as well). In the results reported below, Version 1 results are reported as “Group” and Version 2 as “Class”. The Human Responsibility question was swapped into the Robot Ethics 2 survey for the most recent 5 classes. The Experimental Philosophy survey hired its participant pool from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk service.


Experiment 1: The Autonomous Train Problem
Three results stand out. First, compared to what we expect from the standard (human) Divert/Bystander trolley case, far fewer agree to kill one to save five in the robotic case than in cases with a human decision maker.  Second, introducing an automated decision maker seems to raise expectations for avoiding bad outcomes altogether. Third, with an automated decision maker, responsibility is shifted to humans involved in the situation.

Since we will be dealing with aberrant results below, it will be easier to start with some that do not surprise us and which speak to the reliability of our instrument. Table 2 shows the top 4 reasons (by proportion of the group) given in support for decisions on the Autonomous Train Dilemma from Version 2 of the survey. Participants are constrained to provide a reason by first selecting one of the fixed options (here: Yes/Neutral/No) and then authoring a reason and/or selecting a reason(s) authored by other participants. In Table 2 we report the decision and reason, followed by the class, vote sum/class size and this as a percent. (Since participants can select multiple reasons, with their vote divided among them, the vote sums can be fractional.) 
These reasons range from extremely terse (4) to quite detailed reasons. Notice that (2) criticizes other reasons on the page – in this case those (to be discussed below) that assume that the train can stop.  The main point is that these are all reasonable contributions to a virtual deliberation and fall into the distribution – 3 for turning, 1 against turning– that we expect from the Divert/Bystander problem. The Yes supporters point to the balance of outcomes; the No supporter appeals to a human rights constraint on pursuing public safety, so the reasons align with the justifications typically assumed to explain divergent decisions for the Divert/Bystander version of the trolley problem. Nonetheless, compared to what we expect from the human Divert/Bystander trolley case, introducing an automated decision maker leads to different choices.  Mikhail (2007, p. 149) reports that 90% of his Divert/Bystander sample chose Yes (divert the train) in this problem. In sharp contrast, with an automated train, only 37% say Yes to diverting the train, as we see in Figure 2. More choose Neutral rather than resolving the dilemma with a Yes or No.

Second, as in the standard trolley problems, the Autonomous Train Dilemma was explicitly designed to be a moral dilemma: a forced choice between two morally unattractive options. However, we discover that this is not how many participants regarded the problem. Many expect an automated system to eliminate the dangers that give rise to the dilemma. The most popular reasons in Table 3 (each attracting votes from at least one quarter of their various groups) all assume that the train should be stopped. Some simply assume that the train can be stopped (e.g. 1), others that there should be a way to stop it (e.g. 2).  Here the qualitative reason data reveals various kinds of wishful thinking, denying the given problem created by a heavy train moving at high speed.

Methodologically, we see that we cannot rely on the given decision categories –  Yes/Neutral/No – to map onto the characteristically consequentialist/deontological dimensions of interest in the trolley problem.  Neutral reasons (1) and (4) tell us nothing about the ethics of the almost 50 participants who choose them; they are simply wishful. One reason supporting No (3) also tells us nothing about ethics; it maps closely to (1) and (4). But another reason supporting No (2) adds a characteristically deontological claim to its wishful hope. This case also shows that the wishful answers are not merely artifacts of offering the Neutral option, as several “stop” answers – here (2) and (3) – are classified No by their authors.  Finally, reason (5), classified by its author as supporting Neutral adds a (weak) consequentialist Yes to the “ideal” hope that the train can stop. 

We come now to the strangest data. The reasons in Table 4 show that a large number of participants blame the victims: the people on the tracks. Two reasons supporting No – (2) and (3) – blame some of the victims: the five on the main track.  The Yes supporting reason (1) blames all the victims. The distribution of blame revealed in these reasons modulates the ethics revealed by their Yes/No decisions. Yes supporting reason (1) remains consequentialist, but only when there are no innocents. No supporting reasons (2) and (3) are characteristically deontological, but do not involve the principle of double effect. Instead, these reasons invoke a retributive principle, distinguishing innocent and guilty parties. Indeed, Yes supporting reason (1) may agree ethically with No supporting reasons (2) and (3), differing only in which victims are blamed.

These results suggest a connection between machine decision-making and blaming humans in the robotic case . However, we did not provide a control case of a human trolley scenario in the Robot Ethics Survey, which was designed to focus on applied cases of robot ethics. More generally, one might interpret these results as evidence of the just world hypothesis (Lerner, 1980) – a general tendency to give intentional meaning to otherwise accidental harms – having nothing in particular to do with robot ethics. We turn to two further experiments to address this objection.

Experiment 2: The Human Trolley Problem
Fortunately, a parallel experiment by a student member of our research group, Erik Thulin, provides the contrast we need to control for the human case. Using the same reasons-based survey platform and the standard human Divert/Bystander version of the trolley problem (quoted as (1) in Methods section above), almost half of Thulin’s participants choose the reason in Table 5.

Again, this result shows the difficulty in interpreting quantitative survey data without the context supplied by qualitative reasons. These 36 (of 73) Yes votes supported a reason that assumed this alternative avoided the problem, so counting all Yes votes as characteristically consequentialist would be a mistake. The additional qualitative reasons support a re-analysis that shifts the decision from Strong Yes towards Neutral in this case.

The ethical judgment in this reason suggests that the wishful denial of the dilemma is a big problem but also that it is not limited to issues of robotic decision-making.  More important is the absence of any victim blaming in the human case, even when the survey framework allows such judgments to surface. This supports our association between blaming human victims and robotic ethics cases. However, see the methodological cautions in the Discussion section.

Experiment 3: Responsibility for Autonomous Cars
Further questions arise. In the Autonomous Train Dilemma we find participants blaming the victims – the people on the tracks – but perhaps this would change if we offered them a more appropriate human to whom responsibility could be assigned. When we presented the results of Experiments 1 and 2 at the CompARCH conference, the audience of software engineers suggested putting an engineer in the frame. So we introduced a new question, Responsibility for Driverless Cars shown in Figure 3, into the Robot Ethics Survey.

As one can see in Figure 4, the responses to this question were highly variable across the different groups. This variability also comes across in the most popular reasons shown in Table 6. Nonetheless, the two most popular reasons confirm our earlier result: with a robotic decision maker participants will shift blame onto humans. Reason (1) shifts blame onto the victim’s parents, the child victim, or “the maker of the car”; reason (2) onto the parents/guardians. This experiment thus strengthens our earlier results. Notice that this question does not pose a trolley problem; the question explicitly states that the death is accidental, not chosen by the robotic car. So the question prompts for the answer that no one is responsible. Nonetheless, most participants find some human to blame.

Of course, by explicitly mentioning responsibility, we prompt participants to think about assigning responsibility, so this question is best seen as a supplement to the more neutral Autonomous Train Dilemma. Furthermore, the groups were very small, and many failed to answer this added question. The responses between groups were highly variable, suggesting caution against overinterpreting these results.


Our results are exploratory due to several weaknesses in our methodology. First, and most obviously, these surveys used small groups of conveniently available respondents, and are not representative population samples. Second, later participants can see and be informed by the responses and reasons of earlier participants, so their decisions are not independent. As we mentioned at the onset, this is part of the design to generate compact qualitative data sets. Nonetheless, we can see, especially in Experiment 3, that small groups can pile on to one reason, and fail to generate competing reasons. While we have discussed these two issues in earlier papers (see (Danielson, 2011a; Danielson, 2013)), the current paper raises a new methodological issue. We draw comparisons across different groups and even surveys. Both raise methodological issues, particularly making comparisons across surveys.

Note that while we compare reasons given by different groups by selecting the most popular within each group, we do not use these votes to compare them. That is, a vote within one’s group does not provide a basis for evaluating another reason not seen by that group. To avoid inter-group comparisons, we only choose reasons highly rated within a group. Since all groups taking the Robot Ethics Survey saw the same question about the Autonomous Train Dilemma, these weak comparisons seem warranted. More dubious are our comparisons of Autonomous Train Dilemma reasons and responses to the human trolley problem in a different survey. While similarly structured in terms of decisions and reasons, the human trolley survey provided a different context. The other questions concerned other issues in experimental philosophy, not robot ethics. Accordingly, our use of this inter-survey data leads to the most tentative results in the paper.

Writers on the applied ethics of autonomous robots often rely on an intuitive principle that only human beings can be morally responsible for morally significant decisions.  Discussing lethal robotic weapons, Sparrow summarizes, “I have argued that it will be unethical to deploy autonomous systems involving sophisticated artificial intelligences in warfare unless someone can be held responsible for the decisions they make where these might threaten human life” (Sparrow, 2007, p. 74). The common conclusion is that autonomous but sub-personal robots ought not to replace humans in making morally significant decisions.  The principle of human responsibility was widely referred to by participants in the Robot Ethics Survey’s questions about lethal military robots. One question asked, “Should lethally armed autonomous aircraft be developed?” In the first version of the Robot Ethics survey, analyzed by (Moon et al., 2012) the leading reasons all were “No” based on human responsibility; see Table 7.

One might think this principle would not apply to automated transportation, where any deaths caused are likely to be accidental. However, the point of trolley dilemmas is to provide options where some of the resulting deaths are chosen (and (Goodall, 2014) argues that such cases may arise for automated automobiles).  So we can agree that the principle might restrict the use of autonomous robots where human lives are at stake.

But what if autonomous robots are nonetheless developed and deployed? Where will the intuition about human responsibility lead in this stressful situation? As we have seen, our survey instrument uncovered a surprising result: a significant number of participants will find people to hold responsible: they blame innocent human bystanders. 

Obviously, broadly applying the principle of human responsibility to the victims is unattractive. We do not see our empirical results as providing normative support for it. Nonetheless, our results do pose questions for this deontological approach to the applied ethics of technology. While the principle of human responsibility is intended to block the implementation of autonomous technologies, once the technologies are implemented, the unintended and perverse effect of shifting blame to victims may occur. We need to be aware of how our intuitive moral judgments may shift when introducing new sorts of agents.

This study supports both methodological and ethical conclusions.

First, and most generally, public participation using mixed quantitative and qualitative surveys can generate surprising data that raises new questions for applied ethics. In this case, qualitative reason data can add to the options we see participants deliberating between, and change our analysis of the outcomes they select.

Second, experimental methods can pose additional tests to develop further understanding of unexpected moral phenomena. In our case, we could use the human trolley problems set in the same survey platform to allay concerns that our results were artifacts of our survey research apparatus, as well as to contrast the human and machine cases.

First, we find evidence of that appeal of wishful thinking about technology that denies the need for choice by insisting on infeasible alternatives. Since we saw this in both human and machine cases, we cannot identify this as a problem solely for robot ethics, but it is a concern nonetheless.

Second, we found evidence that the principle of human responsibility is applied in a surprising and perverse way in the case of automated decisions. This is the most disturbing result, indicating that introducing new kinds of artificial agents affects judgments involving technology in a very basic way, shifting blame to human victims and bystanders.

Third, our findings are preliminary and exploratory, as they are based on modest numbers of participants who were posed only a few variations of the scenarios of interest. Fortunately, our method and platform allows others to easily test and extend these results.2

1 I adopt the usage “characteristically consequentialist” and “characteristically deontological” from Greene, 2013, p. 699: “I define ‘characteristically deontological’ judgments as ones that are naturally justified in… terms of rights, duties, etc. I define ‘characteristically consequentialist’ judgments as ones that are naturally justified…by impartial cost-benefit reasoning.”. 
2 Thanks first to Erik Thulin for permission to use the results from his Experimental Philosophy survey. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this project provided by UBC students via the Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund and thank all the participants. Earlier versions of this paper were given at the CompArch Conference, Vancouver, June 2013, School of Population & Public Health Grand Rounds, UBC, Sept 2013, The Normative Dimensions of New Technologies forum, NTNU, June 2014, and the Electrical & Computer Engineering Colloquium, UBC Oct 2014; thank you to all audiences for helpful comments. Thanks to the N-Reasons team for analysis and support: Allen Alvarez, Na’ama Av-Shalom, Alison Myers, Yang-Li, and Ethan Jang. Thanks to Noah Goodall, Sophia Efstathiou, Catherine Yip and an anonymous referee for comments on drafts.

N-Reasons Interface: Autonomous Train Dilemma


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