Descriptions of four Nearctic Procladius Skuse pupal exuviae

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Alexander Egan
Peter Langton


Associated Procladius Skuse (Holotanypus Roback) material from the Sublette collection was found to have specimens with undescribed immature stages. Pupal exuviae of two species are described for the first time: P. barbatulus Sublette and P. clavus Roback. Adult and larval features are included for P. barbatulus. In addition, specimens of Nearctic P. denticulatus Sublette are compared to Palearctic P. signatus (Zetterstedt) to determine if exuviae can separate these species or suggest that P. signatus is a senior synonym. Finally, associated pupal and larval traits of P. prolongatus Roback are compared to the original description, corroborating the theory that features are unique enough to warrant subgeneric status.


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How to Cite
Egan, A., & Langton, P. (2018). Descriptions of four Nearctic Procladius Skuse pupal exuviae. CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research, (31), 30-36.
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