Ricarda Rainer

Education area: Miljø og bærekraft
Utdanningsområde: Miljø og bærekraft

Arshad Nazir

Master's in Environmental Engineering
Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering

Master's in Environmental Engineering
Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering

Joas Vandiest

Education area: Miljø og bærekraft
Utdanningsområde: Miljø og bærekraft

Carol Marina Rodriguez Villarroel

I have experience analyzing wastewater, drinking water, irrigation water, and agricultural soil samples. Furthermore, I have plenty of experience developing homemade tests to analyze environmental samples. Finally, I have experience developing ecotoxicological assays with macroinvertebrates.

I have experience analyzing wastewater, drinking water, irrigation water, and agricultural soil samples. Furthermore, I have plenty of experience developing homemade tests to analyze environmental samples. Finally, I have experience developing ecotoxicological assays with macroinvertebrates.

Wei Liu

I have a background of Bcs food quality and safety and i learn and do the experiment of extract the toxic from apples contaminated with mold and try to degrade it with ozone. I also did microbiological experiment full 3 months, so i can do some basic experience. Last year, I was focus on extract the bioactive compounds from seaweed as antioxidants and apply in food.
I can do the basic experiments and use HPLC, Spectrophotometer, Centrifuge and pH test. even the given experiments i didn't do them before, i can learn it very fast.

I have a background of Bcs food quality and safety and i learn and do the experiment of extract the toxic from apples contaminated with mold and try to degrade it with ozone. I also did microbiological experiment full 3 months, so i can do some basic experience. Last year, I was focus on extract the bioactive compounds from seaweed as antioxidants and apply in food.
I can do the basic experiments and use HPLC, Spectrophotometer, Centrifuge and pH test. even the given experiments i didn't do them before, i can learn it very fast.

Jonas Fure Lind

Education areas: Energi og elektrofag, Miljø og bærekraft
Utdanningsområder: Energi og elektrofag, Miljø og bærekraft

Kjetil Bøhmer

Education areas: Bygg og anlegg, Energi og elektrofag, Miljø og bærekraft
Utdanningsområder: Bygg og anlegg, Energi og elektrofag, Miljø og bærekraft