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Klesbyttedag special edition: Den store klesbyttedagen i samarbeid med Studentlaget til Natur og Ungdom/Naturvernforbundet!

Har du klær du ikke lenger har bruk for?
Ta med maks 12 plagg på DIGS og bytt de med andre.
Konseptet: ta med klær og dra hjem med nye klær. Det er gratis!
La oss rocke vintage stilen og gjenbruke gamle skatter!

Do you have clothes that you no longer have use for?
Bring max 12 pieces of clothing to DIGS and swap with others.
Concept: bring some clothes and take with you something new. It is free!
Let's rock on with the cool vintage style and re-use old treasures!

You will be given out a number that indicated how many pieces of clothing you brought in.
For this to be an awesome swapping event it is nice if you hang around for a while so the swapping can take place.
Clothing that is not swapped will be your own responsibility.
If you don't want to bring your clothing back home, you can deliver it in the Fretex container down Fjordgata. It is a short walk.

While you wait for new clothing to arrive, you can hang out in the café, drinks some coffee, play some board games and/or connect with new people!

Lets have some swapping fun!

DIGS Olav Tryggvasons gate 30, 7011 Trondheim, Norway