Other useful points of contact at NTNU

NTNU is a large organization with a lot of activity at different levels. Here you will find both opportunities to invest heavily in large research projects, or give a simple presentation of your company to selected students. On this page you find a selection of useful contact points for employers.


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Faculties and departments

Most of private and public sector cooperation is rooted in the academic communities at the various faculties and departments at NTNU. The academic communities have a great deal of experience in cooperating for the benefit of all parties. Contact the faculty or department of interest directly.

Faculties and departments at NTNU


Trade and industry networks

A number of business networks are available through faculties, departments and programmes of study at NTNU. The main purpose of these forums for collaboration is to involve partners in business, industry and government administration in order to strengthen the university's educational activities. NTNU also participates in a number of national and international research and innovation clusters.

Business networks active at NTNU today
Cluster collaboration where NTNU is currently involved


Student organizations

The main link between students and employers are the student organizations, run by the students themselves. The students invite guest speakers, facilitate company presentations and organize career fairs.

List of student organizations at NTNU

More on career fairs


Continuing education and part time studies

NTNU Videre offers further education and part-time studies tailored for people in full-time employment. You can enroll for short courses as well as study programs at bachelor and master levels within a wide range of disciplines. Courses are flexible—usually delivered as a combination of online activities and intensive seminars. As a student at NTNU you will learn from Norway’s foremost researchers and instructors. 

More on continuing education at NTNU


Alumni network

NTNU Alumni is NTNU's professional network for current and former students and staff. The network serves as meeting place for knowledge sharing and exchange of experience. Here you will gain access to a worldwide network of professionals trained at NTNU. In addition to networking meetings with other alumni, you can get in touch with the academic communities and students at NTNU.

More on collaboration through NTNU Alumni


R&D funding

The Research Council of Norway offers a number of support schemes for companies that want to cooperate with NTNU.

  • Skattefunn is one of the simplest funding schemes, providing tax deductions for research and development costs.
  • You can also apply for the Industrial Ph.D scheme, enhancing your research capacity through a doctoral project. There is an equivalent scheme for Public Sector Ph.D.
  • The Research Council also offers a range of innovation programs and EU-funded support schemes. For more information, visit the Research Council website
Niche reference