Research Researcher profiles UBedu UBrss

Create your researcher profile and make your research more visible

Why is it important to have a good online presence as a researcher?

By creating a researcher profile, you will be able:

  • To promote your research and teaching activities
  • To improve your chance of being cited
  • To ensure correct attribution
  • To guarantee credit in research assessments
  • To find new collaborators
  • To find new funding sources

In this way you will make your research more visible and optimise the impact of your research.

How do you make your research more visible to other researchers? Five tips on what you should do in detail:

  1. Build your NTNU Staff Profile and add your
  • Research priority areas
  • Teaching
  • AwardsBilderesultat for orcid
  • Supervision
  • Social media profiles
  1. Build your ORCiD Profile

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognised. ORCID iDs can only be assigned by the ORCID Registry at

  1. Create additional researcher profiles and establish a
  1. Use networking tools and connect with other researchers via:
  1. Use social media

Boost your career with social media. If you are new, follow a successful researcher. Promote your work and the work of your colleagues by using:

  • Twitter – the most popular micro-blogging tool
  • YouTube – the most commonly used video platform
  • Blogging – create interest in your work

Overview over the key tools

  • University profiles: NTNU staff profiles
  • Author disambiguation: ORCID, ResearcherID
  • Search engines: Google Scholar, Scopus
  • Social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs
  • Communities:, ResearchGate
  • Reference sharing: Mendeley

The web site has developed a so-called “Digital Identity Health Check for Academics”. Among others, this document includes “Ten simple tips to improve the visibility of you and your research”.

Here you have the recommended strategies:

  1. Create profiles on sites that rank highly in search results
  2. Manage your name by getting an ORCiD identifier
  3. Make your web addresses easy to find
  4. Create a single home for your online presence
  5. Link your online profiles together
  6. Write guest posts on other people’s blogs to gain more visibility
  7. Decide if you will have a personal and/or professional digital presence
  8. Use appropriate images online
  9. Maximise the potential of your profile biographies to make better connections
  10. Measure your research impact online

Here you will find the whole document: